Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Decrease Hormonal Belly

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How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Belly

How I Stay Slim + Beat Menopausal Belly Fat At 59!!

For men, a doctor may prescribe testosterone supplements.

Get a full consultation and blood test from a hormone specialist who will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan.

Hormonal belly in women can be targeted with hormone replacement therapy, including estrogen therapy or estrogen-progesterone/progestin hormone therapy (EPT. Research indicates that postmenopausal women on HRT have reduced levels of belly fat than those that arent.

A doctor may also propose dietary and lifestyle adjustments, including more exercise and a lower-calorie diet, in addition to medications.

Concentrate on things you have control over, such as your food and exercise regimen. Make a point of including plenty of veggies, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats in your meals. These foods will not only keep you full and satisfy your hunger, but they will also provide you with the nutrients you need to avoid age-related insulin resistance and muscle loss.

If you have questions about hormonal belly or any of the conditions discussed here, connecting with a doctor in a discrete setting has never been easier.

Opt Health is a telehealth platform that reconnects men with wellness, fitness, strength, and sexual vitality through scientific preventive medicine. From your own home, you can schedule with a physician, meet one-on-one via video conference, receive test results, and have medications delivered to your door.

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Vary Your Workouts And Try New Activities

Its easy to get into an exercise rut, and even easier to fall out of the habit of exercising at all. But at this stage of your life, not getting your move on is not an option. Ideally to keep your weight in check, youll be working out three or four times a week with the injection of some HIIT,” says Peeke. Its extremely effective at keeping excess body levels of fat down, and make sure to get in some weight training, even if its just using your own body weight. A meta-analysis in Experimental Physiologyfound that cycling HIIT was more effective at reducing body fat than running in post-menopausal women.

So potentially take a Soul Cycle class to get your spin on, or see what all the CrossFit fuss is about. And if youre not into group exercise, try a virtual reality fitness game at home. According to research published in the Journal of Sport Behavior, adding variation to your exercise routine may be the most successful way to make you stick with it.

Any kind of physical activity is better than none at all, but if your body gets too accustomed to a routine, it wont burn belly fat as efficiently as when you first started doing it. If youre doing the same workouts youve always done and are expecting the same results, that isnt going to happen, says Fabuion.

RELATED: Weight Gain Around Menopause Is Linked to Lack of Sleep

Trouble Getting Motivated Feed Yourself Fiber First

Eating 30 grams of fiber each day even if you do nothing else could improve weight loss significantly. Subjects in a study followed either a more complex diet and increased fiber or only increased fiber. Both groups lost weight. The group that followed all changes did best, but only by a marginal increase.

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Watch Your Carbohydrate Intake

Not all nutrients are created equal, and some experts believe that a steady diet heavy in processed or refined carbs like pasta and bread are a significant factor for excess belly fat. Carbs are the enemy of the middle-aged woman, says Dr. Boling. If you are perimenopausal, look at how much sugar you are eating. Carbs turn into sugar in our bodies. Some turn faster, like candy bars, oatmeal burns slower, but eventually it all turns to sugar. If you are aware of how many carbs you are eating, you are going to do better. Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that a reduced-carbohydrate diet may decrease the risk of postmenopausal weight gain.

The Good News S There Are Lots Of Things You Can Do To Increase Your Testosterone Levels Naturally

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Cut out or cut down on the major contributors to low testosterone level such as:

  • Trans fats which are found in baked goods like cookies doughnuts and pies

  • Fried foods like French fries or deep fried foods like onion rings or tempura

  • Mercury can lower levels. So make sure to not eat too much canned foods

  • Msg is another one, so avoid processed foods and packaged foods much as possible.

  • Alcohol is another big one to watch out for!

  • Then of course taking a care of you sleep and having a proper weight lifting program to promote muscle growth is essential too!

Estrogen levels can also affect men. One particular one called Estradiol was studied in 2016 article, which showed that in males, estradiol is critical in regulating the libido, the production of sperm, and erectile function. Low levels of estrogen can also cause low sexual desire and has been linked to having excess fat around the belly.

Again the natural fix would be the same. Reduce stress. Make healthy life style choices. Increase your physical activity. Make sure to eat lots leaf greens and cut out fast foods, and processed foods.

If you need more help I am a email away. Message and we can set up a one to one free training session and or discovery call here.

Talk soon! Rob

Committed To Your Success

PS. IN CASE YOU DID NOT SEE THIS. .Stuff your face and lose weight! Learn How To Lose Weight Fast, Without Giving Up Any Of Your Favorite Foods

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Signs Of Hormonal Belly & How To Get Rid Of It

In this Article:

You exercise regularly and eat as many nutritious meals as possible. Yet, the scale says youre gaining weight, not reducing it. And that stubborn excess weight around your waistline just wont budge. So whats up?

Even a minor change in our hormone levels can cause extra belly fat in some cases.

Hormones play a role in a variety of biological functions, including stress, metabolism, sexual desire, and hunger. If a person lacks specific hormones, it can lead to abdominal weight gain, which is referred to as a hormonal belly.

So, how can you tell if those love handles are just a few extra pounds from a pizza and wine binge or if theyre a sign of anything more serious? Here are five symptoms that your hormones are at fault for and what to do about them.

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Engage In Regular Exercise

Creating an exercise routine and sticking with it can be a significant lifestyle change for some and can take some getting used to. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , you should aim for 150 minutes of weekly, moderate-intensity activity for optimal body function. Exercise is excellent for keeping your hormones in check. If youre searching for tips on how to lose hormonal fat, exercise is the perfect opportunity to burn belly fat and calories.

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Chronic Stress Feeds Belly Fat

Some underlying triggers for this weight shift may be out of our control, but other aspects are very much within our control. One factor that we can influence is stress. Belly fat contains receptors for cortisol, our bodys main stress hormone. When were stressed our adrenals release cortisol and this stimulates these belly fat receptors resulting in the formation of even more belly fat.

Constantly feeling stressed out may seem like the norm in todays fast-paced society but that does not mean that its healthy. To tame your cortisol levels, do whatever works for you to slow down and de-stress: unplug, delegate, meditate, stretch and relax. Taking a high quality adrenal supplement also helps to support balanced cortisol levels.

Keep in mind that stress can also be physical, mostly due to inflammation. Chronic inflammation alone can make it hard to lose added weight because it inhibits some enzymes that normally break down fats in the body. So, get some help to optimize your health and tackle inflammation. Take care of gut imbalances and other inflammatory conditions, like thyroid disease or Hashimotos. Slowing of your metabolism, weight gain and trouble losing it commonly go along with low thyroid function.

These issues may not produce symptoms until you hit menopause, so its a good idea for any woman hitting menopause to get her thyroid function checked, including thyroid antibodies, especially if theres a family history of thyroid problems.

Have You Tried Everything And Are Still Struggling To Get Rid Of Belly Bulge It Turns Out Your Hormones May Be The Answer Find Out Why A Hormonal Imbalance Can Cause You To Hold Onto Fat In Unexpected Places And How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Belly Today

5 Lower Ab Isolation Exercises That Will Make Your Lower Belly Fat Cry

Unexplained weight gain can be frustrating, especially when you feel like youre doing all the right things. Sometimes, though, a sudden belly bulge or stubborn abdominal weight you cant seem to lose is a sign of something deeper going on with your hormones. Your hormones actually play a big part in regulating metabolism, hunger, fullness, and energy. And because your hormones are always talking to each other, they form a tangled web of communication to keep your body regulated.

A number of hormone-related conditions can cause abdominal weight gain including an underactive thyroid or polycystic ovary syndrome . For those going through menopausewhich is not a medical condition, but a natural state of endocrine reorganization that happens to every womanweight gain can be a symptom. Outside of specific conditions, general hormone imbalances, which can be the result of obesity, environmental triggers and toxins, chronic stress, or medications, may also be at the root of your resistant hormonal belly fat. If you think youre dealing with a hormonal belly, here are a few signs to look for.

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Getting To Know Ghrelin

You can think of ghrelin as your hunger hormone. Like leptin, it communicates with the brain in this case, telling your brain to eat. Every time your stomach becomes empty, it naturally releases ghrelin into your bloodstream. Ghrelin levels are lowest just after youve finished a meal. Theyre at their highest when the stomach is empty and youre ready for your next meal. This scenario is normal when a person is healthy and maintaining optimal weight.

An overweight person, on the other hand, will find that like the other hormones weve explored ghrelin levels are typically out of whack. In healthy individuals, ghrelin levels decrease in a way that satiates them and signals their brains to stop eating. But in obese individuals, ghrelin levels dont decrease enough after eating, which fails to send the brain the signal it needs to stop eating and feel satisfied.

How Does The Stress Hormone Cortisol Sabotage Weight Loss

How is this overproduction of cortisol related to weight gain? First of all, heightened cortisol is linked to overeating. Ever notice how you eat when youre stressed? A study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that higher than normal cortisol levels were linked to overeating and weight gain. Another study links elevated cortisol levels to an increase in belly fat.

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Can An Endocrinologist Help With Weight Loss

An endocrinologist can very often help you reverse weight gain that is associated with hormonal imbalances. Potentially useful interventions include lifestyle changes such as exercise, diet modification, or stress management, as well as treatments such as testosterone or thyroid hormone replacement. Medications may be able to help with weight gain-related symptoms such as increased appetite, or to moderate excessive hormone levels.

Key Takeaways About Hormonal Weight Gain

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  • Hormonal weight gain is potentially reversible or treatable if the underlying cause is addressed and treated with the guidance of an endocrinologist.
  • Hormonal weight gain can cause an increased risk for a multitude of other health conditions which can increase morbidity and mortality.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, regular physical activity, proper sleep, and stress modification can help with managing and reversing hormonal weight gain and decreasing the associated health risks that may result if it is not addressed.
  • Also Check: What 3 Hormones Kill The Female Metabolism

    Take Steps To Reduce Stress

    Research shows that stress can take a toll on your hormones, primarily the stress hormone cortisol, and taking steps to reduce your stress levels can help you balance your hormones. Stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise and listening to relaxing music are all great ways to help manage stress.

    What Causes Belly Fat In Females Over 40

    One of the main reasons why belly fat develops in females is due to a decrease in estrogen levels. Estrogen is a hormone that helps to regulate metabolism and energy expenditure. When estrogen levels decline, our bodies become less efficient at burning calories. This can lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.

    There are a few things that can cause belly fat in females over 40, but one of the most common is hormonal imbalance. Hormones play a big role in weight gain and loss, and when theyre out of balance, it can be tough to lose weight especially around the middle. If youre wondering how hormones affect weight gain in your 40s, read on to learn more.

    So, what causes middle age belly fat? Well, there are a few things that can contribute including:

    • A decrease in metabolism: As we age, our metabolism slows down and we dont burn calories as efficiently as we used to. This can lead to weight gain.
    • An increase in stress: Stress can cause our bodies to produce more of the hormone cortisol, which has been linked to weight gain, especially around the waist.
    • Hormonal changes: As we age, our hormones change and this can lead to weight gain. For example, women may experience a decline in estrogen as they approach menopause, which can cause weight gain.

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    How To Keep Estrogen At Optimal Levels

    To balance estrogen levels naturally and prevent the weight gain that happens with an estrogen imbalance, youll want to do the following:

    • Commit to a regular exercise routine. Many studies, including this 2012 one, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, explain how exercise lowers estrogen levels in obese women.
    • Eat your fiber. Fibrous foods help decrease elevated estrogen levels.
    • Eat veggies in the cruciferous family. These include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and bok choy. Anything green and leafy is always a good idea, too!
    • Reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with our natural hormones. Avoid plastic containers, cans, or water bottles made with BPA. Never microwave plastic.
    • Choose organic foods when possible, and choose phthalate-free cosmetics and personal care products.
    • Consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, which uses plant-based hormones identical to those produced naturally by the human body to keep hormones balanced.

    What Is Hormonal Belly

    How To Beat Menopause Belly Fat!

    An imbalance in the hormone levels can affect various physical processes of the body, including metabolism, stress, appetite, libido , growth, etc. This hormonal imbalance can lead to excess weight gain or fat accumulation in the belly area, known as the hormonal belly. Several medical conditions and other causes can cause a hormonal belly. A hormonal belly can occur from a person’s hormone levels fluctuating as they age or go through lifestyle changes. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including menopause or high levels of stress.

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    What Is Hormonal Weight Gain

    Weight gain associated with underlying hormonal imbalances. For men, hormonal weight gain can be caused by high stress or cortisol levels in the body. The heightened levels of cortisol may make the body go into survival mode and induce the production of fat cells which will cause a declining metabolism to store food for later use. For women, a specific estrogen hormone called estradiol decreases at menopause helps regulate metabolism and body weight. The lower the levels of estradiol may cause weight gain. Throughout a womans life, they may notice weight gain around their hips and thighs.

    How To Get Rid Of Hormonal Belly Fat Fast

    Do you have a little extra weight around your midsection that just wont go away, no matter how hard you try? If so, you may be dealing with hormonal belly fat. This type of fat is caused by hormonal fluctuations and is especially common in women who are going through menopause.

    Many times you could be doing everything seemingly right with your diet and exercise but the hormonal belly fat will refuse to go away. Its frustrating and can make you feel self-conscious about your physical appearance.

    But there is a reason why hormonal belly fat is so stubborn to get rid of. You might be fighting an uphill battle against the hormonal imbalances that are causing your stomach fat in the first place.

    What youre eating and the amount matter a lot but youll be fighting a losing battle if your hormones are out-of-whack. But once you fix them youll finally be able to lose hormonal belly fat.

    It can be difficult to get rid of hormonal belly fat, but it is not impossible. This blog post will discuss how to lose hormonal belly fat fast using a few simple tips!

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    Behaviour And Obesity Hormones

    People who are obese have hormone levels that encourage the accumulation of body fat. It seems that behaviours such as overeating and lack of regular exercise, over time, ‘reset’ the processes that regulate appetite and body fat distribution to make the person physiologically more likely to gain weight. The body is always trying to maintain balance, so it resists any short-term disruptions such as crash dieting.Various studies have shown that a person’s blood leptin level drops after a low-kilojoule diet. Lower leptin levels may increase a person’s appetite and slow down their metabolism. This may help to explain why crash dieters usually regain their lost weight. It is possible that leptin therapy may one day help dieters to maintain their weight loss in the long term, but more research is needed before this becomes a reality.There is evidence to suggest that long-term behaviour changes, such as healthy eating and regular exercise, can re-train the body to shed excess body fat and keep it off. Studies have also shown that weight loss as a result of healthy diet and exercise or bariatric surgery leads to improved insulin resistance, decreased inflammation and beneficial modulation of obesity hormones. Weight loss is also associated with a decreased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes and some cancers.

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