Sunday, September 8, 2024

Do I Need Hormones After Hysterectomy

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What Are The Different Types Of Hysterectomies

Do I Need Progesterone After My Hysterectomy?

To fully envision how your body may change after a hysterectomy, you need to know the different types of surgery. Dr. Macey may recommend one of three types of hysterectomies:

  • Partial or supracervical hysterectomy: Upper part of the uterus is removed, while the cervix is left in place
  • Total hysterectomy: Entire uterus and cervix are removed
  • Radical hysterectomy: Uterus, cervix, and upper part of your vagina are removed

Although a hysterectomy doesnt include your ovaries or fallopian tubes, they may also be removed depending on the reason for your surgery. When one or both ovaries are removed, the procedure is called an oophorectomy. Removal of your fallopian tubes is called a salpingectomy.

Can You Still Get Cysts On Your Ovaries After A Hysterectomy

Almost 50% of patients with ROS require surgery within the first 5 years after hysterectomy, and 75% within 10 years . Possible pathologies that can occur in residual ovaries include follicular cysts, a hemorrhagic corpus luteum, periovarian adhesions, endometriosis, and benign and malignant neoplasms.

Dietary Estrogen Supplement Alternatives

Certified nutritionist Phyllis Balch reports that essential fatty acids, vitamin E and melatonin are used as alternatives. They help the body produce estrogen, possibly decreasing menopause symptoms such as:

  • bone loss
  • incontinence
  • fatigue

Take essential fatty acids in unheated, liquid form. Do not exceed 200 IUs of vitamin E if you take a blood thinner. Take the recommended daily dosage if you have rheumatic heart disease, an overactive thyroid or diabetes. Slowly increase a 100 IU dose to the desired amount, if you have high blood pressure. Take melatonin supplements not more than 2 hours before bedtime, if you do not have a weakened immune system.

  • Certified nutritionist Phyllis Balch reports that essential fatty acids, vitamin E and melatonin are used as alternatives.
  • Take melatonin supplements not more than 2 hours before bedtime, if you do not have a weakened immune system.

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How Does Estrogen Therapy Work

If you have surgically-induced menopause, youll likely be prescribed a high dose of estrogen. This high dose may help lower your risk of bone weakness, heart disease, and other serious medical conditions caused by hormonal imbalances. How much hormones youll be prescribed will depend on your levels post-surgery.

There are a few different ways your doctor may administer estrogen therapy. The options are orally, topically , vaginally or an injection.

  • orally
  • via injection

Can A Woman Still Produce Estrogen After Hysterectomy

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. Also to know is, does a woman still produce estrogen after menopause?

All women produce the female hormone oestrogen however, it’s made differently by the body before and after menopause. After menopause , monthly menstrual periods stop. The body still makes small amounts of oestrogen by changing hormones called androgens into oestrogen.

Beside above, can a woman still come after a hysterectomy? A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a woman’s uterus . During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant.

In this way, can you produce estrogen without ovaries?

Without the ovaries in play, the brain took over, creating new estrogen that washed over the brain in large, rapid pulses. In the second experiment, Kenealy stimulated the hypothalamus directly using a mild electric current, causing it to release estrogen.

What are the side effects of not taking hormones after hysterectomy?

ET also helps decrease other menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, sleep problems, and moodiness related to hormone changes.

  • ET slightly increases your risk of stroke, and blood clots.
  • Side effects of ET may include breast tenderness, bloating, and upset stomach.
  • ET may increase your risk of gallstones.

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Putting The Risks And Benefits Of Hrt In Perspective

If you’re just glancing at list above, some of the risks of HRT might seem to overwhelm the benefits. Could a reduction in vaginal dryness possibly be worth an increased risk of cancer?

But look at the details. The risks of HRT — while real — are quite small for an individual person. For example, the 2002 Women’s Health Initiative study found that ERT increased the risk of strokes by 39%. That sounds frighteningly high. But the actual number of people affected is very small. Out of 10,000 women who are not taking ERT, 32 have strokes each year. Out of 10,000 who are taking ERT, 44 have strokes each year. That’s an increase of just 12 people out of 10,000.

On the other hand, when it comes to controlling the symptoms of surgical menopause, a huge number of women feel the benefits. One out of four menopausal women has severe hot flashes. Treatment with hormone therapy cuts down the number of hot flashes per week by 75%. So if a woman had 24 hot flashes per week, HRT would drop that number to six. That could make a big difference in the quality of their day-to-day life.

Balancing Hormones Without Hrt

Some functional medicine doctors like this one believe that bioidentical hormones are better than conventional hormone replacement therapy. One FMD, Jeffrey Dach, says,

A cocktail of bioidentical hormones including estradiol, estriol, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone works as well or better than the horse hormones. Since all women are humans, we I consider it preferable to prescribe human hormones rather than hormones from pregnant horse urine .

Some alternative health experts believe bioidentical hormones are better because theyre more natural than pharmaceutical hormone drugs. However, not all bioidentical hormones are regulated by the FDA.

If youre going to use bioidentical hormones, make sure you do it under the supervision of a medical doctor. Make sure the MD has an extensive history of helping patients with BHRT . Do your due diligence. Check the practitioners website and/or Yelp page. See if the functional medicine doctor is listed on

How have you managed low estrogen symptoms? Leave a comment.

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Has A Woman Ever Had A Baby Without A Uterus

Jennifer was born without a uterus due to Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. The syndrome is one of various forms of infertility that impacts hundreds of thousands of women worldwide. With few options other than adoption or surrogacy, Jennifer and Drew joined a clinical trial at Penn Medicine.

Why Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps

HRT after Hysterectomy

Like Billie, many women experience sudden and severe symptoms following the removal or failure of their ovaries. Theyre experiencing a condition called surgical or induced menopausewhen estrogen plummets to the level seen in women who have already completed natural menopause. For those who do undergo natural menopause, these symptoms appear slowly as the ovaries gradually stop producing hormones, and the transition can be uncomfortable and even unbearable. But women who have surgically induced menopause experience this hormonal change immediately, and often struggle with far more severe symptoms.

Menopause can feel different for different women, and symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and other symptoms can last for years following their last period. For young women in their 20s, 30s, or 40s, its safe to assume that surgical menopause may have a serious impact on quality of life due to such symptoms. Having your ovaries removed also increases your risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Parkinsons Disease, and dementia, which are serious side effects that can be prevented through additional medical intervention. Fortunately, hormone therapy can help reduce many of these symptoms and risks.

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How Long Is It Safe To Use Hrt After Hysterectomy

The truth is, the longer you take HRT, the more you put yourself at risk of health problems. Most health professionals tell women now to use HRT in the lowest possible dose and not for longer than five years.The HRT treatment and duration differ from person to person, but they advise women to check with their doctor once a year if they need to continue the treatment.

You Wont Necessarily Go Into Menopause

I expected to have crazy hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats all the time, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that I barely had any of those symptoms, Cohen says about her experience after hysterectomy.

The myth about hysterectomy Streicher hears most often in her medical practice is that a woman will go into menopause afterward. You wont have periods, and cant get pregnant after your uterus is removed. But that doesnt necessarily mean menopause. Streicher explains: The only one who will have menopause is a woman who has her ovaries removed during the procedure and who was not in menopause already. If surgery is limited to the uterus, timing of natural menopause may not be affected.

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Contraception Pregnancy And Hrt

Oestrogen used in HRT is different from oestrogen used in the contraceptive pill, and is not as powerful.

This means it’s possible to become pregnant if you are taking HRT to control menopausal symptoms. In some cases, a woman can be fertile for up to 2 years after her last period if she is under 50, or for a year if she is over 50.

If you don’t want to get pregnant, you can use a non-hormonal method of contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm.

An alternative is the IUS , which is also licensed for heavy periods and as the progestogen part of HRT. You will need to add oestrogen as either a tablet, gel or patch.

How Can I Reduce These Side Effects Of Hormone Therapy

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In most cases, these side effects are mild and dont require you to stop your HT. If your symptoms bother you, ask your healthcare provider about adjusting either the dosage or the form of the HT to reduce the side effects. Never make changes in your medication or stop taking it without first consulting your provider.

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Hysterectomy And Bilateral Oophorectomy

  • There are many reasons to have a hysterectomy. These include:

  • Heavy periods and intense, long bleeding

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Pain in pelvic area by endometriosis, other inflammatory diseases like adenomyosis

  • Uterus, ovaries, or cervix cancer

  • Uterine prolapsed

Naturally, an instant hysterectomy doesn’t mean a heavy period. Nothing else is included on the list. The effectiveness of other treatment options, lifestyle and individual preferences must be measured. Your life quality must be measured. That’s why all the information and the possible effects on the physical and emotional well-being are important to understand.

With uterine removal alone, you do not enter menopause straight away. But this often means you are in a premature period of peri-menopause and menopause and may want to begin hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the symptoms and minimize longer-term risk for health. Hormone replacement therapy is often desired, although not always necessary.

However, a woman enters menopause immediately when a hysterectomy is combined with a bilateral Oophorectomy the removal of the two ovaries. In such cases, symptoms could be sufficiently severe to increase the appeal of HRT. Reach at Longevity for HRT and other bone and spine treatment.

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.

Possible Alternatives To Having A Hysterectomy

In some cases, innovative medical treatments and technologies may help patients avoid a hysterectomy through alternative procedures. When uterine fibroids force patients to consider a hysterectomy, they may consider a new treatment known as an Acessa procedure. This treatment can save patients from needing a hysterectomy by delivering treatment specifically to the fibroids in the uterus, without compromising the health of the uterus itself.

This concentrated treatment offers several benefits to patients eligible for the Acessa procedure, including the experience of a minimally invasive, minor procedure that allows the patient to return to regular life after just three to five days of recovery. The Acessa procedure is regarded as safer than a hysterectomy and preserves a womans ability to have children by saving the uterus from removal.

If youre interested in this treatment option and believe it may benefit your fibroid condition, seek out a specialist certified to perform the procedure. Dr. Raybon of Advanced Gynecology is one of the only doctors in Georgia with this certification.

If youre facing a possible hysterectomy, youre probably feeling unsettled and fearful of the process ahead. Take control by reaching out to trusted professionals and exploring all your options as you make tough choices affecting your current and future health.

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Who Needs Hormone Replacement Therapy After A Hysterectomy

Hysterectomies may be performed for a multitude of reasons. Endometriosis, fibroids, prolapse, and cancer are a few of the most common conditions that are treated, in full or in part, by this surgery. Doctors are able to remove all or part of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding tissues in order to resolve these issuesbut only the ovaries have a serious impact on hormone production in the body.

Having your uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, or surrounding tissue removed does not necessarily mean that you need hormone replacement therapy. Women who undergo these operations will stop menstruating . They will no longer be able to bear children. But their hormone levels may not be impacted like those who undergo oophorectomy . Still, research has shown that its possible for even a hysterectomy which does not include removal of the ovaries to influence ovarian failure.

If your ovaries were removed or compromised as part of a hysterectomy, its very likely that your doctor will prescribe hormone replacement therapy to help restore your bodys hormone balance.

Now For The Second Part Of This Video Let’s Talk About Why You Need To Take Different Approaches To Caring For Your Hormones Depending On Which Surgery You’ve Had

How to Balance Your Hormones After a Hysterectomy with Dr. Jessica Drummond

If your ovaries were left intact you won’t need HRT or special remedies for your hormones, and you won’t go into menopause right away.

This is what all women focus on in all the years post menopause. And if it’s safe for you you can also use herbs that are rich in plant estrogens and other hormone building blocks to help your body build up your hormone levels – almost like a replacement for HRT. You can learn more about how your body can keep your hormone levels high enough without relying on your ovaries in this blog postIn this case you also want a hormone friendly diet and lifestyle, because they’ll help your body maximize every bit of hormones it’s able to make – or to better balance and manage side effects of any hormones you’re taking.

That’s the second part of this blog – the different focus you want to have in caring for your hormones with natural remedies depending on which type of surgery you’ve had.

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What Happens To Your Body After A Hysterectomy

What Happens to Your Body After a Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is the second most common surgery among women in the United States, but it isnt routine, and its never approached lightly. If you need to have a hysterectomy, Dr. John Macey in Nashville, Tennessee, takes time to talk, explaining all your options, the surgical procedure, and the changes that may occur in your body following your hysterectomy.

Is Low Estrogen Dangerous

As if hot flashes werent reason enough to correct hormonal imbalances, perhaps the following statistic will.

Getting a hysterectomy has the potential for generating serious consequences in terms of health, says this research study. This includes having 2 to 7 times higher rates of heart disease. This is likely disheartening news for the more than 500,000 American women who get a hysterectomy every year.

The good news is there are a few different options of correcting hormonal imbalances.

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Does Having Or Not Having A Uterus Make A Difference In Deciding What Type Of Hormone Therapy I Should Take

Yes, it does.

If you still have your uterus:

Progesterone is used along with estrogen. Taking estrogen without progesterone increases your risk for cancer of the endometrium . During your reproductive years, cells from your endometrium are shed during menstruation. When the endometrium is no longer shed, estrogen can cause an overgrowth of cells in your uterus, a condition that can lead to cancer.

Progesterone reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by making the endometrium thin. If you take progesterone, you may have monthly bleeding, or no bleeding at all, depending on how the hormone therapy is taken. Monthly bleeding can be lessened and, in some cases, eliminated by taking progesterone and estrogen together continuously.

If you no longer have your uterus :

You typically won’t need to take progesterone. This is an important point because estrogen taken alone has fewer long-term risks than HT that uses a combination of estrogen and progesterone.

Findings Clearly Very Reassuring


For the latest study, which is published in The Lancet Oncology, researchers kept tabs on more than 7,600 women who took part in the estrogen-only treatment arm of the trial.

The women assigned to get estrogen took that hormone for about six years before they stopped. They have now been followed for nearly five years beyond their estrogen use.

Compared to women taking a placebo, women who took estrogen had a 23% reduced risk of invasive breast cancer. That means 151 women got breast cancer in the estrogen group compared to 199 women assigned to the placebo.

Women taking estrogen also had a 63% reduced risk of dying from breast cancer compared to women on the placebo. Overall, there were six deaths in the estrogen group compared to 16 in the placebo group.

In an email, Anthony Howell, MD, a professor of medical oncology at the University of Manchester in the U.K., says the study findings are âclearly very reassuring for women.â

âHowever, they have to be counselled concerning the very small increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism , which is seen with any hormones such as the oral contraceptive pill,â says Howell, who wrote a comment on the findings but was not involved in the research.

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