Sunday, September 8, 2024

Age To Start Hormone Replacement Therapy

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What Is Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: It is not just for women!

Some transgender people choose to take “gender affirming” hormones that is, hormones that align with their gender identity rather than the sex they were assigned at birth. These hormones can be used to make the body more masculine or more feminine so that it is more closely aligned with the persons inner sense of self.

What Is The Right Age To Start Hormone Therapy

Believe it or not, patients can begin experiencing the signs and symptoms of andropause or menopause as early as age 30 when hormone levels start to decline. In the majority of cases, these symptoms are mild and subtle for several years or even decades before intervention is needed. However, some men and women choose to start HRT around age 30 40 to prevent worsening symptoms before they occur. On average, patients tend to start hormone replacement therapy for menopause or andropause between ages 45 55. During your initial consultation for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Renew Wellness Center, in Sugar Land, TX, Dr. Desai or Dr. Patel will take ample time to discuss your concerns, review your medical history, perform any necessary lab work, and determine whether you may qualify for treatment.

The Basics Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is a set of treatments that infuse the body with hormones that arent produced naturally. This usually occurs in females during the menopausal years. Menopause occurs at the tail-end of a womans reproductive years, usually in the late 40s and older. Doctors diagnose a woman with menopause after going at least 12 months without a period. After receiving a menopause diagnosis, doctors may suggest HRT to women suffering from severe symptoms.

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What Changes Can I Expect From Feminizing Hormone Therapy

People assigned male at birth produce low levels of estrogen. Feminizing hormone therapy brings about physical and emotional changes that are more consistent with feminine anatomy and behavior.

With this treatment, you will receive hormones and other substances. They include anti-androgens medication, estrogen and possibly progesterone.

Anti-androgen therapy blocks male sex hormone production.

Changes from anti-androgen therapy include:

At What Age Can You Begin Hormone Therapy

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If someone is still a minor when they decide to begin hormone therapy, its often helpful to first transition socially. This begins with coming out to family and friends as LGBTQ+. After youve gained support from those closest to you, taking the step toward medically transitioning isnt as overwhelming. Dr. Zivich can discuss the different hormone therapy options during your assessment in Boston, including testosterone or estrogen that could be delivered via injection, pill, patch, or gel.

The Endocrine Society guidelines state that gender-affirming hormone therapy may begin at age 16. However, your readiness depends on several factors, including your personal health and how well you understand the process. Whether someone begins hormone therapy at 16 or 65, they should continue to receive regular medical checkups to monitor their health. The professionals at Boston Direct Health are happy to provide these services.

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When To Start Hrt: Earlier May Be Better But Its Never Too Late

Asking, When should I start hormone replacementtherapy? seems like it risks slipping into tautology, or at the very leastredundancy. After all, isnt the answer, When you need more hormones. But thereal answer is more complicated.

Every woman ages differently. Every woman goes through hormonal changes differently. And every woman approaches menopause differently. However, there are broad guidelines that can help you decide if and when hormone replacement therapy is the best choice. Significantly, knowing when to start HRT can help you maximize its impact while minimizing any risks. By strategically considering the timing of treatment, you may not only prevent unnecessary suffering, but protect your health for years to come.

When Is The Best Age To Start Gender Reaffirmation With Hrt

Hormones are essential for both developing and maintaining characteristics related to gender. At HEALOR Primary Care, our compassionate team is pleased to offer hormone replacement therapy to help patients of all needs and backgrounds begin their gender reaffirmation journey. During this time, board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh believes it’s important that you feel fully informed and prepared.

One common question people have about gender reassignment is when to start HRT. Some people say the best age to start is as early as 16, while others make the decision later in life. Because there are no set guidelines, the decision should be made with careful consideration of what would work best for you. If you want to know the pros and cons of HRT, our Las Vegas, NV clinic for a discussion.

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Do You Require A Letter From A Therapist In Order To Start Hormone Therapy

For adults , a letter from a therapist is not required of every patient. If a patient has a therapist, a letter from that person is very helpful and much appreciated since it helps us assess the patients readiness for hormone therapy.

Prospective patients who do not have a therapist will have a gender assessment by our providers. If we are concerned about a persons readiness for hormone therapy, we will recommend establishing a relationship with a therapist before hormones can be prescribed.

We encourage all of our patients to consider participating in therapy during the gender transition process. Transitioning is a stressful experience as a person negotiates relationships with family members, significant others, and coworkers and learns to live in the world as their affirmed gender. Support during this process is important for everyone and a therapist who specializes in gender is highly recommended. We can suggest qualified therapists.

How Do I Know If I Need Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) utilizing pellets – Age Management Medicine

Dont make the mistake of assuming that low-T levels are something you only have to deal with when youre approaching retirement. In fact, the signs of low testosterone can start showing up as early as your 20s. Since there are plenty of factors that can contribute to issues with testosterone, going off of age alone just doesnt work.

After age 30, testosterone levels decline an average of 1% every year. Thats why many men consider their 40s as the time to start thinking about TRT. But why wait until your symptoms are taking over your life? Instead, take charge of your health and be proactive.

If youre experiencing one or more of the symptoms of low-T, a quick hormone test from a trusted clinic can give you answers.

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Hrt After Premature Early And Surgical Menopause

While most women experience natural menopausearound the age of 50, some women reach menopause much earlier or after surgery.In these cases, HRT should typically be started immediately.

Menopause that happens before the age of 40 is known as premature menopause, while between 40 and 45 it is known as early menopause. Women who experience premature or early menopause can have the same symptoms as women who experience typical menopause, but may also be at greater risk for psychological distress and a number of serious physiological health conditions. Meanwhile, women who undergo oophorectomysurgical removal of one or both ovariesprior to natural menopause can experience even more severe symptoms due to the extreme and sudden drop in hormones as well as significant long-term health risks. For all women who experience premature, early, or surgical menopause these risks include cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, neurological disease, mood disorders, and premature death.

Due to these risks, it is typically recommended that women who experience premature, early, and surgical menopause start hormone replacement therapy as soon as possible. As the American Society For Reproductive Medicine, mincing no words, said of bilateral oophorectomy patients:

In these cases, there is little doubt that HRTis the right choice and should be initiated immediately.

HRT reduces the risk of various chronic conditions that can affect postmenopausal women, including:

What Age Can You Start Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

When you think of a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy patient, do you imagine a woman in her thirties, maybe middle-aged, or older than sixty? The prevailing online information would probably cater to the middle-aged woman, being the most likely to or currently experiencing menopause. The idea is that those women aged 48-55 are candidates for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, however true, are not the only ones who can see incredible benefits.

We encourage women of all ages to consult with a trained professional if they are worried they may be experiencing a hormone imbalance. The specialists at the Happy Hormone Cottage have decades of experience in diagnosing hormone imbalances as well as using bioidentical hormone replacement therapies that are safer, dont utilize synthetic compounds, and are tailored to each individuals needs. A comprehensive assessment can be performed to determine if you are an appropriate candidate.

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Am I Too Young For Hormones

Corrie MieszczakAugust 14, 2020Age Management, Dr. Carragher, Estrogen, FAQs, Hormone Optimization, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Perimenopause, Progesterone, Sex, Testosterone

Many men and women associate hormonal changes and Hormone Replacement Therapy with being in their 50s or even older. However, hormonal changes often begin much earlier. For this reason, it is important for both men and women to pay close attention to their bodies and begin considering Hormone Replacement Therapy at a younger age if symptoms occur or if they want to prevent degeneration of their body.

Risks And Benefits Of Hormone Therapy: Focus On Cardiac Health


In 2002, the Womens Health Initiative clinical trial was published, causing patients and physicians to question the safety of menopausal hormone therapy.3 Before this study, many patients took hormones in an attempt to improve overall health, prevent future cardiac disease, and treat menopausal symptoms, in part because results of observational studies showed apparent protection from cardiac disease. The WHI study compared a combined oral regimen consisting of conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate with placebo, and found that the combined regimen increased the risk of coronary artery disease, breast cancer, stroke, and venous thromboembolism . This large study of approximately 16,000 women also found a decreased risk of colorectal cancer, hip fractures, and total fractures.3

Critics of the 2002 WHI trial believe it is not appropriate to generalize results to all menopausal women, because the population studied may not represent women who typically use hormone therapy. Specifically, the average age of participants was 63 years, more than a decade older than the average age of the menopausal transition , when women are more likely to start hormone therapy.

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What Are Hormones

Hormones are chemical messengers that deliver instructions to various tissues and organs in the body. All bodies produce numerous different hormones in differing amounts.

At puberty, bodies with testes start to produce higher levels of testosterone. This causes the development of masculine secondary sex characteristics: a deeper voice, facial hair, increased body hair, more muscle mass, and so forth. And at puberty, bodies with ovaries start to produce higher levels of estrogen, which causes the development of feminine secondary sex characteristics such as breast development and a curved body shape with increased fat on the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

How To Get Help

ReVital offers free consultations where you can speak to one of our clinicians about ReVitals Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. At ReVital, we can conduct simple blood tests to evaluate the levels of these hormones in your system and prescribe supplements or therapies to treat and control the majority of hormonal imbalances. We also encourage that you connect with your regular doctor about any changes in your health and moods.

ReVital gives you the balance you need to get back to you!

Current Locations

  • 230 S 68th Street, Ste 1201West Des Moines, IA 50266 316-2226
  • 2323 N Mayfair Rd, Suite 104Wauwatosa, WI 53226 662-9858

Current Locations

  • 11704 W Center Rd, Ste 103BOmaha, NE 68144 875-5510
  • 124 Chesterfield Towne CenterChesterfield, MO 63005 254-8057


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What If I’m Unsure

If you’re still uncertain or hesitant about what age to start hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Singh and the trusted team at HEALOR Primary Care can answer your questions and guide you on the path to treatment. Whether we see you for an initial gender reaffirmation consultation or as a returning patient, our providers are here to support you. We’re proud to have worked with many transgender people in their personal journeys.

Who Can Benefit From Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: It is not just for women!

Hormone levels will begin to decrease anywhere around the age of 35, but can always occur sooner. Once hormone production starts to fade, it will continue to gradually decrease as you age, eventually having detrimental effects on your health. The good news is that Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be used to combat against this gradual decline. By supplementing with BHRT, you ensure that your hormone receptors are filled and performing at their optimal levels. Properly balanced hormones benefit the body in just about every way, showing benefits in sexual, mental, and physical health along with an overall improvement in your quality of life!

Hormone imbalances dont only occur in middle-aged women. Hormone levels can fluctuate due to a wide range of factors and the resulting imbalance can lead to the development of chronic diseases like the early onset of Osteoporosis. Progesterone is a female hormone that needs to be carefully monitored. Maintaining proper levels of this hormone is crucial for every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth and a deficiency could lead to infertility or other complications. By addressing your symptoms early, BHRT may help you avoid complications down the road.

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How Does Feminizing Hormone Therapy Work

You start by taking anti-androgens to block testosterone production. Then, after a few weeks, you take estrogen. This hormone comes in many forms, including:

  • Pills.
  • Cream.
  • Patch.

People who choose feminizing hormone therapy start with a low dose of estrogen. The appropriate amount is different for each person. Your healthcare provider determines the type and dose thats right for you.

Starting with a low dose helps reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Then, as your body gets used to it, your provider will increase the dosage. After achieving the desired results, you take a lower dose for the rest of your life.

Hrt: Benefits And Risks

Although there have been concerns raised about HRT and the potential risks to various aspects of womens health, more recently published findings show that although not entirely risk free, it remains the most effective solution for the relief of menopausal symptoms and is also effective for the prevention of osteoporosis. It may in certain age groups provide protection against heart disease.

This leaflet sets out the known facts about HRT. It summarises the results of studies regarding its safety and addresses the controversy that still surrounds it, together with current thinking about its suitability. It is written specifically for women wishing to know about HRT. Our medical advisory panel strongly recommends that you should discuss with your doctor both the benefits and the risks of HRT on an individual basis. The types of HRT available are listed below.

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Waiting 5 Years To Start Hormone Replacement Therapy Offers Less Risk

Many studies have shown a link between increased breast cancer risk and hormone replacement therapy to treat bothersome menopausal symptoms. While the results of all the studies arent exactly the same, there is good evidence that:

  • HRT increases the risk of being diagnosed with invasive breast cancer
  • breast cancer risk increases within the first several years of HRT use risk appears to increase the longer a woman uses HRT
  • combination HRT increases breast cancer risk more than estrogen-only HRT
  • high-dose HRT increases risk more than low-dose HRT

A study found that breast cancer risk was higher in women who used HRT during the first 5 years after menopause started compared to women who waited more than 5 years to start HRT.

This research is part of the very large Million Women Study. The Million Women Study included nearly 1.3 million women in the United Kingdom and was designed to identify links between diet and lifestyle factors and health problems such as cancer. The women, who were about 57 years old, started the study between 1996 and 2001.

More than half of the women had used some form of HRT at some time in their lives and 35% were using HRT when the researchers did the analysis. The researchers recorded 15,759 breast cancers diagnosed in the 1.3 million women.

More than 60% of the breast cancers were diagnosed in women who had used HRT at some point 45% of the breast cancers were diagnosed in women using HRT when the cancer was diagnosed.

Other General Access To Health Care Questions

Hormone replacement therapy (menopause)

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Menopausal Symptoms Usually Ease

This can make a big difference to quality of life in some women:

  • HRT works to stop hot flushes and night sweats within a few weeks.
  • HRT will reverse many of the changes around the vagina and vulva usually within 1-3 months. However, it can take up to a year of treatment in some cases.
  • This means that HRT can:
  • Improve symptoms of vaginal dryness.
  • Improve discomfort during sexual intercourse as a result of this vaginal dryness.
  • Help to reduce recurrent urine infections.
  • Improve any increased frequency of passing urine.
  • There is some evidence that HRT itself improves your mood and your sleep.
  • HRT may also help to improve joint aches and pains.
  • HRT improves symptoms of vaginal dryness and improves sexual function in many women.
  • Many women notice that the texture of their hair and skin improves when taking HRT.
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