Sunday, September 8, 2024

How Does Nexplanon Affect Your Hormones

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Does Nexplanon Cause Brown Spotting

How do your hormones work? – Emma Bryce

Yes, Nexplanon can cause spotting, which may include brown spotting. Nexplanon can change your period bleeding patterns. In some people, this may cause heavier periods, irregular bleeding, or spotting.

Spotting is a common side effect of Nexplanon, but you should still tell your doctor if you experience it. In some cases, spotting may be a sign of another condition, such as pregnancy, or in rare cases, cancer. Your doctor can check that the spotting youre experiencing is from Nexplanon and not another cause.

Where Can I Get Implantable Contraception

Implantable contraception is only available from a doctor or other medical professional who has been trained to insert it. When the doctor can insert the implant depends on when you had your last period and what type of birth control you currently use.

After numbing the inside of your upper arm, the doctor will use a small needle to insert the tube under the surface. The whole process only takes a few minutes. After the tube is in, dont do any heavy lifting for a few days. Youll have a bandage on for a few days after the procedure.

A health care professional must remove the tube after 3 years. It cannot be left in a girls arm, even after it is no longer working. The health care professional numbs the area, makes a small cut in the arm, and pulls out the tube. The tube can be removed any time after insertion theres no need to wait the full 3 years.

Where Can I Get A Contraceptive Implant Fitted Or Removed

You can get the contraceptive implant for free, even if youre under 16, from:

  • contraception clinics
  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinics
  • some young peoples services

Some GPs or practice nurses are able to fit and remove implants, so youll need to check at your GP surgery.

Alternatively, most sexual health clinics will be able to do this for you.

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Nexplanon And Weight Gain

In clinical studies, 13.7% of the women with a Nexplanon implant reported weight gain. The average weight gain was nearly three pounds one year after implant and close to four pounds two years after implant. While it is widely believed that hormonal birth control causes weight gain, scientists are not so sure. The cumulative evidence seems to suggest that it doesnt, but some studies do show modest weight gain using contraceptive implants such as Nexplanon or Implanon.

How Well Do They Work

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When used exactly as directed, the pill is very effective. What does that mean?

For the pill, it means you take it at the same time every day. This is sometimes called perfect use. If you do that, you have less than a 1 in 100 chance of getting pregnant in the next year.

But if you miss a day or two or take the pill it at different times of day, the pill becomes about 91% effective.

Once your doctor places the rod in your arm, youâre done. This low-maintenance birth control method provides a less than 1 in 100 chance of getting pregnant in the next year.

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Can I Have The Implant After Emergency Contraception

After taking levonorgestrel as emergency contraception the implant can be inserted immediately. You should avoid sex or use a barrier method of contraception for 7 days. In addition you should take a pregnancy test 3 weeks or so after the time you had unprotected sex.

If you took ulipristal acetate the implant should be inserted 5 days after taking the tablet. You should avoid having unprotected sex or use a barrier method of contraception until the implant is inserted and for 7 days after. You should also take a pregnancy test no sooner than 3 weeks after the last time you had unprotected sex.

If You’re Under 16 Years Old

Contraception services are free and confidential, including for people under the age of 16.

If you’re under 16 and want contraception, the doctor, nurse or pharmacist won’t tell your parents as long as they believe you fully understand the information you’re given, and your decisions.

Doctors and nurses work under strict guidelines when dealing with people under 16. They’ll encourage you to consider telling your parents, but they won’t make you.

The only time a professional might want to tell someone else is if they believe you’re at risk of harm, such as abuse. The risk would need to be serious, and they would usually discuss this with you first.

Page last reviewed: 9 March 2021 Next review due: 9 March 2024

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Drugs That Reduce The Effectiveness Of Nexplanon

Some drugs increase the speed with which the liver breaks down etonogestrel. Taking these drugs with Nexplanon will significantly reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon as birth control. These include:

  • Certain HIV drugs and Hepatitis C medications
  • Anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and carbamazepine
  • Dietary supplements such as St. Johns wort

Most of these drugs can be prescribed without removing the Nexplanon implant provided other contraception methods are used, as well. Women should also report any breakthrough bleeding or other side effects to a healthcare provider when taking these drugs.

Should I Be Worried If My Menstrual Period Stops

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No. Some women stop having their menstrual periods after getting a hormonal implant. This is not a reason to worry. It just means that your ovaries are resting and not releasing an egg each month. Your ovaries are making less estrogen, and the lining of your uterus does not get thicker. So there is no menstrual bleeding. Your menstrual cycles will return to the way they were, after the implant is removed. Talk to your health care provider and theyll decide if you need a pregnancy test.

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How Nexplanon Is Removed

When you are ready to have your Nexplanon implant removed, make an appointment with your doctor. They will feel for the implant in your arm to see exactly where it is. Then, they will mark the ends of the implant on your arm with a marker. After, they will numb your arm and then make a small cut near the implant. They will remove the implant with forceps .

The doctor will then apply a bandage or wound dressing to the site where they removed the implant. They will have you wear a pressure bandage for 24 hours. You will then wear a small bandage for 3 to 5 days.

If youre having another Nexplanon implant inserted, your doctor can remove the old implant and put a new one in at the same time.

Are Cramps A Side Effect Of Nexplanon

Yes, Nexplanon can cause cramps or belly pain. In studies, belly pain was one of the most common side effects that people with Nexplanon reported.

If you experience mild cramps or belly pain while you have Nexplanon, talk with your doctor. They can determine what may be causing your cramps. In some cases, they may recommend using a medication such as acetaminophen/caffeine/pyrilamine to treat your cramps.

If you experience belly pain or cramping thats severe, tell your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. In some cases, serious belly pain or cramping can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

If not treated, ectopic pregnancies can cause serious complications or could even be fatal. If you think you may be pregnant while you have a Nexplanon implant, talk with your doctor right away.

Learn more about some of the side effects Nexplanon may cause.

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How Is A Contraceptive Implant Fitted Or Removed

A local anaesthetic is used to numb the area on the inside of your upper arm.

The implant is then inserted under your skin it only takes a few minutes to put in and feels like having an injection. You wont need any stitches after your implant has been fitted.

Nexplanon works for 3 years before it needs to be replaced. You can use this method until you reach the menopause, when a woman’s monthly periods stop naturally.

The implant can be removed at any time by a specially trained doctor or nurse. It only takes a few minutes to remove, and a local anaesthetic will be used. The doctor or nurse will make a tiny cut in your skin to gently pull the implant out.

As soon as the implant has been removed, you’ll no longer be protected against pregnancy.

Should I Expect Breast Or Vaginal Discharge With Nexplanon

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Neither breast nor vaginal discharge were common side effects reported in clinical trials of Nexplanon. However, breast discharge was reported after the drug became available for use.

Keep in mind that breast discharge can be a symptom of breast cancer. In rare cases, hormonal birth control, such as Nexplanon, may increase the risk of breast cancer coming back in people whove had it in the past.

If you have breast discharge while using Nexplanon, talk with your doctor. Especially, tell them if you have this side effect and have had breast cancer in the past. Theyll likely check for other symptoms of breast cancer.

Youll likely wont experience vaginal discharge from Nexplanon use. But its possible to experience changes in your period. These changes may include bleeding more often or more intensely than usual.

If you notice any vaginal discharge while using Nexplanon, talk with your doctor. They can help you determine if this is due to using Nexplanon.

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Is Nexplanon A Type Of Hormonal Birth Control

Yes, Nexplanon is a type of hormonal birth control. It contains the active drug etonogestrel, which belongs to a drug class called progestins. Progestins are synthetic hormones that act as progesterone . This hormone helps prevent pregnancy.

If you are concerned about using hormonal birth control, nonhormonal options are available. These include:

  • the birth control gel citric acid/lactic acid/potassium bitartrate

If you have questions about hormonal birth control, talk with your doctor. Theyll recommend the best birth control options for you.

The Implant Is Convenient And Private

Once your Nexplanon is in, you barely have to think about it it works until it expires or you have it taken out. That means no trips to the pharmacy, no pill to take or ring to put in, and nothing you have to do before sex to prevent pregnancy. Most of the time you cant see the implant under your skin, so nobody knows you have it unless you tell them.

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How To Use Nexplanon Implant

Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist or health care provider before the rod is placed. Read and sign the Informed Consent provided by your doctor. You will also be given a User Card with the date and the place on your body where the rod was inserted. Keep the card and use it to remind yourself when to schedule an appointment to have the rod removed. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Ask your doctor about the best time to schedule your appointment to have the rod placed. Your doctor may want you to have a pregnancy test first. The medication usually starts working right away when the rod is inserted during the first 5 days of your period. If your appointment is at another time in your menstrual cycle, you may need to use a non-hormonal form of birth control for the first 7 days after the rod is placed. Ask your doctor about whether you need back-up birth control.

The rod will be inserted under the skin in your upper arm by a health care professional. Usually it will be placed in the arm that you do not write with. Be sure you can feel the rod underneath your skin after it has been placed. If at any time you cannot feel the rod underneath the skin or feel that the rod has been bent or broken, tell your doctor right away.

Does Nexplanon Cause Weight Gain

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Its possible for Nexplanon to cause weight gain. In fact, weight gain was a common side effect reported in studies of Nexplanon.

In studies, people with Nexplanon gained an average of 2.8 pounds in 1 year and 3.7 lb in 2 years. But its not known how much of the weight gain was due to Nexplanon. Some people in studies had the Nexplanon implant removed due to weight gain.

If you experience weight gain with Nexplanon, you may lose some or all of the weight you gained once the implant is removed.

If youre concerned about weight gain from Nexplanon, talk with your doctor. They may be able to recommend ways to help manage your weight.

Nexplanon is implanted under the skin of your arm. You may experience side effects after your doctor inserts or removes the Nexplanon implant.

Possible side effects from having Nexplanon inserted or removed include:

  • thickening of your skin where the implant is inserted

In studies of Nexplanon, side effects after the implant was inserted or removed werent common. But if you have any side effects after getting Nexplanon inserted or removed, talk with your doctor. They can determine the best ways to treat these side effects.

In rare cases, the Nexplanon implant may move within your arm from the site it was inserted. When the implant moves deeper into your arm, it can cause serious symptoms, such as:

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How Do They Remove Nexplanon

To remove the device, your health care provider will inject a local anesthetic in your arm beneath the implant. They will make a small incision in your skin and will push the implant toward the incision until the tip is visible and can be grasped with forceps.

Your health care provider will then pull out the implant, close the incision and apply a pressure bandage. Contraceptive implant removal typically takes less than five minutes.

If you choose, a new device can be implanted as soon as the original device is removed. Be prepared to use another type of contraception right away if you don’t have a new device inserted.

For information on Problems with Insertion and Removal see the section below called What are the possible risks of using Nexplanon?

Do Birth Control Implants Help Prevent Stis

Nope, birth control implants dont prevent STIs just pregnancy.

Barrier methods like condoms help protect against STIs. You can always use a barrier in addition to the implant so youre protected against both pregnancy and STIs.

Yes. You shouldnt use a birth control implant if you:

  • are pregnant or think you might be
  • have a history of serious blood clots, such as blood clots in your legs or lungs

All of these methods are highly effective. You dont need to think about birth control on a daily or even monthly basis with any of these options. However, none of these methods protect against STIs.

The biggest difference between these methods is how long theyre effective. The Depo-Provera shot needs to be administered every three months. The birth control implant works for three years. Hormonal IUDs are effective for 3 to 5 years, depending on the brand. Copper IUDs can be effective for up to 12 years.

Side effects are similar for all of these methods. Irregular bleeding and changes to your period are among the most common. Copper IUDs may have fewer side effects than other options because they dont contain hormones.

All four methods require a trip to a healthcare professional for insertion or injection. In the case of the implant and IUDs, a clinicians visit for replacement or removal is also necessary.


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Is It Possible To Have Spotting Or Other Side Effects 1 To 2 Years After Nexplanon Is Inserted

Yes, Nexplanon may cause long-term changes in your period bleeding. So its possible to have spotting or other side effects of Nexplanon 1 to 2 years after its been inserted.

In studies, during the first 2 years of having Nexplanon, some people had more frequent or longer periods, while others had their periods stop completely.

In most cases, any changes to period bleeding will occur in the first 3 months after having Nexplanon inserted. These changes may continue as long as you have the Nexplanon implant.

Talk with your doctor about what you should expect with Nexplanon. Also, talk with them if you have any changes in your period that seem unusual during treatment with Nexplanon.

To learn more about spotting or other changes in period bleeding, see the Side effects explained section below.

Who Should Not Get Nexplanon

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Nexplanon is a safe birth control option for most healthy people, but it is not for everyone. Nexplanon is not recommended if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, or if you have any of the following conditions:

  • A history of severe depression
  • Current or past hematoma

Nexplanon may also not be suitable if you have diabetes, high cholesterol, headaches, epilepsy, gallbladder disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, or an allergy to anesthetics. Talk with your healthcare provider to learn about your personal risks.

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