Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bioidentical Hormones Weight Loss Reviews

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Even Celebrities Believe In Hormone Therapy

Dr. Jackie Thielen – What is compounded bioidentical hormone therapy

Her natural and rich hair may be at least partially based on the bioidentical hormone therapy she has been receiving, something which, according to the article, is also being used by famous names. Billionaire philanthropist Oprah Winfrey, legendary entertainer Madonna, and Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie have all used them for reasons such as dealing with the effects of menopause.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to regulate the normal fluctuations of the body may be like a fountain of youth of sorts, maintaining the body and mind at healthy levels, while preventing the aging process by extending the natural development of collagen, keratin and elastin in the skin. These are essential proteins that all play roles in keeping the skin looking youthful.

To understand this a little better, lets briefly examine a womans biology: four major sex hormones are released by the female body: estradiol peaks in the first half of the menstrual cycle of a woman which may lead to a spike in progesterone following ovulation. Testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Finally, the most abundant sex hormone released during younger years, dehydroepiandrosterone is tied to energy levels as well as total health. Levels of these hormones all waver throughout life as a person ages.

Weight Loss And Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

If you just eat less and exercise more you will lose weight its simple math. How many times have you heard that and argued back that you ARE eating less and you ARE exercising more? While calorie intake contributes to weight loss, it turns out metabolism and hormones play a bigger role.

Energy loss that often comes with age-related hormonal imbalance contributes to weight gain in both men and women. Bioidentical hormone therapy can bring your hormones back into balance so that you can experience weight loss from the increase in energy, better sleep, and higher metabolism.

How To Prevent Weight Gain From Bioidentical Hormones

Why am I gaining weight on bioidentical hormones? Sometimes patients come to us with this question when they are undergoing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT. These patients expected that BHRT would lead to weight loss, but they are instead frustrated by persistent weight gain.

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Rob: Clearer Thinking And A New Lease On Life After Hormone Replacement Therapy*

Ill be honest I was a little skeptical before receiving hormone replacement therapy, but it is one of the best investments that I have ever made. I say its an investment because its an investment in you.

Prior to receiving my first SotoPelle testosterone, I had very low energy, lethargy, a sense of hopelessness and every year I found it harder and harder to keep the weight off. Then lo and behold I stumbled on Dr. Scinta and it has completely turned my life around. I am full of energy. I have clear thinking. My blood pressure even went down considerably. The feeling of melancholy that I once carried with me is now a faint memory. My outlook on life is much improved. The staff at Medical Weight Loss Of New York is friendly and very professional. From the ladies at the front office to the staff in the back, each and every one of them treats you with dignity and respect.

If you are skeptical like me and are not sure, believe me when I tell you the results are worth it. Remember its an investment in you. Godspeed.Robert

Be A Better Version Of You With Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

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At Hormone Logics, we will provide you with bioidentical hormone therapy suitable for you that will help you feel sexier, stronger, and healthier. Hormone Logics is your place to discover ageless health. We are dedicated to helping you begin a wonderful new phase of your life.

Hormone Logics is a premier medical wellness center in West Palm Beach, FL. We specialize in a variety of programs, such as nutraceuticals, bioidentical hormone therapy, testosterone therapy, and customized diet and exercise regimens. We focus on individualized hormone therapy for men and women for approved indications of low testosterone in men and menopause in women. We believe that aging better should be effortless. We provide hormone therapy, diet, and exercise programs in order to help you achieve your personal health goals. Our staff of medical professionals is dedicated to helping you meet your needs and goals.

Come see what bioidentical hormone therapy can do for you! Contact Hormone Logics today at 640-3333 for a complimentary consultation to manage aging and feel younger, healthier, and more vibrant!

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What You Need To Know About Hormone Pellets And Weight Loss

If youre a woman over 40, youre probably all too familiar with the middle-age spread those excess pounds that seem to show up overnight and wont go away.

This weight gain is one symptom of hormonal imbalances, but it doesnt stop there. If youre experiencing this issue, you may also suffer from fatigue, irritability, hot flashes, depression, anxiety, insomnia, memory issues, low libido, and more.

Luckily, you dont have to suffer in silence! Many women are benefitting from the link between hormone pellets and weight loss. Even better, theyre finding that this treatment combats their other symptoms as well.

Heres what you need to know so that you and your doctor can decide whether this treatment is right for you.

Why Aren’t Compounded Bioidentical Hormones Fda Approved

The FDA doesn’t approve any compounded products, for any condition, because those products aren’t standardized.

That doesn’t mean that compounding is bad. Compounding can be useful for patients who are allergic to an additive in an FDA-approved product, says Kathleen Uhl, MD, the FDA’s assistant commissioner for women’s health.

But “the purpose of compounding is to do it on a patient-by-patient basis, so there’s nothing that’s submitted to FDA to evaluate, so they’re not FDA approved,” Uhl explains.

And because compounded products don’t go through the FDA approval process, they don’t bear the same warnings as other hormone therapy.

A woman who gets a prescription for an FDA-approved hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms is “going to get a lot of warning information,” but if she gets a compounded product instead, “you don’t get any of those warnings,” Uhl says. “There’s no requirement for them to provide that because those products are not FDA approved.”

L.D. King, executive director of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, suggests that patients look for accredited compounding pharmacies listed on the web site of the Pharmaceutical Compounding Accreditation Board .

Manson points out that with FDA-approved “bioidentical” drugs available, “most women interested in bioidentical formulations do not need to take custom-compounded products .”

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Do You Combine Other Treatments With Bioidentical Hrt

Yes! Patients often use our mineral and vitamin infusions to increase the benefits of Bioidentical HRT. We have a variety of nutrient injections available, including B12, glutathione, amino acids, and lipotropic compounds. We provide nutrient injection kits that you can use at home so that you do not need to come into the office to receive them. Injections allow the nutrients to be fully absorbed rather than ending up as waste. We do require a consultation before starting at-home injections.

Include Protein At Each Meal And Snack

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Protein improves satiety and helps preserve muscle mass. While many of us automatically include a protein with our meals, we may not be as protein-focused when it comes to snacks. So when its snack time, reach for hard-boiled eggs, all-natural jerky, Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, edamame, or a handful of nuts.

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Stubborn Weight Loss And Hormones

Weight loss during our middle-ages is a two-fold issue. As stated previously, aging is a beautiful gift and privilege. However, when those years behind the cubicle lands you that promotion as a manager, you might become more stressed and time-crunched.

Almost every living organism has some fight-or-flight reaction that indicates an immediate action in danger. Cortisol is a hormone that serves as the bodys fight-or-flight signal. When the body releases this steroid hormone, it taps into glucose storages to gather the necessary mega-energy to take on a fearsome opponent or run for the hills.

Humans, though, are different. Weve developed sophisticated communication, diplomacy, and self-control with our complex minds and social systems. Furthermore, when highly uncomfortable situations find us, our bodies release these chemical responses even if an instance is not life-threatening.

When we encounter that problematic managers unfair demands or interaction with a rude customer service representative, we release cortisol in our bodies nowadays known as the stress hormone. Unfortunately, stress can make weight loss difficult.

Joanne S: I Noticed An Increase In Clarity Energy And Body Strength With No Adverse Reactions*

My experience with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been wonderful so far. Within a few weeks after I started treatment, I noticed an increase in clarity, libido, energy, and body strength, with no adverse reactions. I am an active 61-year old, with a very demanding executive-level job and full-time work schedule, who also strength trains. I have a 99-year-old mother who is still going strong, and a father who remained in good health until he passed away from natural causes at 95. Since longevity and good health are apparently on my side, I wanted to preserve as much youthful vitality as possible, to age gracefully and to maintain quality of life, for as long as possible. I believe this treatment will help me attain those goals. It already has helped me attained some of them. The staff at Medical Weight Loss of Central New York is the best five stars! They are professional, patient, encouraging, and just nice people.

Also Check: How Do You Get Bioidentical Hormones

How Long Has Bioidentical Hrt Been Around

The practice of using bioidentical hormones to supplement hormone deficiencies is not new. They were first used to alleviate menopause symptoms in the 1930s, but when synthetic hormones proved easier to produce, they supplanted bioidentical hormones until health risks were identified with traditional HRT in the early 2000s. Bioidentical hormones have experienced a resurgence as a more natural way to replenish hormone levels.

How Bioidentical Hrt Works


Before you begin any type of HRT, you must obtain an accurate measurement of your hormone levels. Therefore, this is the first step in understanding how bioidentical HRT works. At our clinic, youll receive a technologically advanced hormone test through blood, saliva, and/or urine to determine if you have a hormone balance and if we believe that bioidentical HRT will be beneficial for your needs. In some cases, we may recommend other treatments for your symptoms.

Once we determine your specific needs based on your symptoms and measured hormone levels, we will develop a custom treatment plan that includes the exact dosages your body needs. These are not mass-produced hormones that can be used in the same doses for everyone. Compounding pharmacies that produce bioidentical hormones will receive a prescription for creating the bioidentical hormones that youll use during treatment. No other person will have the exact same prescription as you.

After you receive your prescription in the form determined to be best for your lifestyle, youll begin taking your personalized doses. The deficiencies in your hormone levels will gradually disappear as the replacement hormones increase your levels to normal. Since these hormones are exact replications of the ones you already produce, your body wont reject them and there will be fewer side effects. Over time, your bodys hormones will be restored to their optimal levels, thereby alleviating your symptoms.

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Menopausal Women Taking Hrt Tend To Have Less Body Fat Especially Abdominal Fat

Visceral fat cells are what can make our shape change to a dad bod. Adding this type of fat to our waistlines can set off inflammation and increase insulin resistance. Visceral fat gets worse with depression, stress, poor sleep, smoking, and drinking fructose-sweetened beverages. If thats not enough, menopausal weight gain around your tummy can increase the risk of:

  • Cardiovascular disease

Hormones That Are Replicated

Any hormone that is naturally produced by the body can be replicated in a compounding pharmacy using plant derivatives, usually from yams and soy products. The most commonly replaced hormones in BHRT are estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, triiodothyronine , thyroxine , and melatonin. The specific hormones you will replace are dependent on a test that measures which ones are deficient. We will measure your hormone levels at your initial appointment through a blood, saliva, and/or urine test.

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Kevin: Increased Energy After Testosterone Therapy*

Ive just recently completed my 3rd round of treatment for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Shortly after an insertion, I feel like I drank a large cup of coffee, a jittery feeling and a jolt of energy and then it levels out. The first 3-4 months there is a very noticeable change, increased energy level.I work 14 hour days so the fact that Im able to get through a work week without feeling lethargic has been a tremendous help. The little crazy things like forgetting your keys in the morning hasnt really happened, so it has definitely helped with clarity. I have always had a very high sex drive so I dont think that has changed much but Ive noticed improvement in my stamina and performance. Healthiness wise, I feel as if in the last year and a half I havent gotten sick as much. Overall as a whole I feel very healthy!

The Case For Ongoing Treatment

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Mayo Clinic Womens Health Clinic

One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that in post-menopausal women estrogen supplements resulted in:

  • Lower amounts of visceral belly fat
  • A healthier body-mass index , and
  • Increased lean body mass

Another similar study of the impacts of testosterone on men found that while the hormones clearly improved their metabolism and body fat metrics, when they stopped the therapy their bodies returned to the pre-treatment condition. Resuming therapy again resolved these issues and put them back on the track to optimal health.

This makes it clear that ongoing therapy is one of the most important keys to maintaining positive results.

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Asking Where To Find Bhrt Providers Near Me Or Where To Find Bhrt In Nyc

Smooth Synergy Medical Spa is proud to be at the forefront of regenerative medicine, offering patients BHRT in our New York office. Contact Smooth Synergy at 212-397-0111 to make an appointment to discuss your BHRT medical options. As a certified provider of BioTE BHRT, we can help provide relief from hormone imbalance symptoms. And get you started on the road to physical, mental and emotional wellness!

Nicole Contos

Shelly: I Feel Like My Young Self Again

I began suffering from all of the classic symptoms of decreased hormone levels fatigue, trouble sleeping, unexplained weight gain, foggy brain, low libido and was miserable. I started to receive Bioidentical hormone replacement pellets and it changed my life. I cant imagine going through the rest of my life without them. I literally feel 25 again and over the first year of receiving the pellets I lost 20 pounds! The staff at Dr. Scintas office is friendly, accommodating and professional.

Im going to grow old gracefully and continued hormone replacement will forever be part of my routine. There is absolutely no reason to suffer from the symptoms of decreased hormone levels. get a consultation today!

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Are Compounded Bioidentical Hormones Bad

There are risks to taking compounded bioidentical hormones, but in some cases, they may be a better choice. Compounded bioidentical hormones are not FDA-approved. They are not tested for safety or effectiveness. Many major medical groups do not support using them because not enough is known about their safety and long-term side effects.

What To Expect After Insertion

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After pellet placement, there may be some soreness or bruising at the insertion site. This discomfort can last several days as you heal. Its important to follow post-pellet insertion care to ensure optimal recovery.

You should reduce activity levels immediately following insertion. Avoid strenuous exercise, baths and swimming until the bandage is removed and the incision is healed.

The pellets dissolve slowly over the course of six months. You need to have new pellets inserted at regular intervalsaround two to four times a yearto continue receiving the benefits of Biote. The company notes it may take up to two insertions before you feel its full benefits.

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How Hormone Pellet Therapy Works

During BHRT, a pellet containing the relevant hormones is inserted under the skin, usually in the upper buttock area, and slowly releases the hormones over several months. It is made of plant-based hormones that are identical to our own on a molecular level, which means that the patients body will recognize them as beneficial. This is one of the reasons why the therapy works so well and negative reactions are so rare.

In addition, the release of the hormone is slow and sustained, and there are no spikes or drops that could cause negative symptoms to return. As soon as the hormone level starts to drop off again, a new pellet can be inserted, so the patient will have a steady supply.

Lower Cholesterol And Enjoying The Outdoors

BHRT for Men

I came to Dr Brandt after fighting an escalating cholesterol problem compounded by a lack of testosterone in my system. After some analysis and looking into my current conditions Dr Brandt created a plan for my specific situation and it was put into motion. Today after my 6 week checkup I was talking with Dr Brandt about not realizing how lousy I originally felt with my very low testosterone situation and worrying about my cholesterol which seemed to keep rising even though I was adjusting my diet and exercise. Today I can say that my cholesterol went from 238 to 183 in 6 weeks and my testosterone levels continue to recover which has me feeling good again. The effect of his treatments has left me feeling solid and encouraged about my future and ability to keep enjoying the things I love to do outside! If you feel like you got run over by a bus every day, take some action. There is help available.

28 year Vail Valley Local!*John from Vail Valley, Colorado, email, January 2014

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