Monday, July 8, 2024

Does Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain

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Can Progesterone Cause Weight Loss

MY WEIGHT GAIN AFTER 3 MONTHS ON TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)

Progesterone therapy can be useful for weight loss if progesterone levels are unbalanced. Identifying triggers for weight changes can be hugely tricky, and it’s essential to work with a qualified practitioner to understand our bodies’ needs fully. Hormone therapy should never be used as a quick fix for weight loss, and its misuse can cause serious problems.

Remember, we’re working to understand our hormones, not blame them. Our hormones are a beautiful, complex system that cares for us in ways we’re still learning to understand.

Mood Swings Low Mood Or Depression

Suffering from mood swings, low mood or depression can be triggered by;decreased testosterone levels. This;hormone plays an important role in mental health.

Lack of motivation, loss of general interest, unexplained emotional swings, and even depression are definitely undesirable symptoms in everyones life and need to be faced.

Unfortunately, they are often;misdiagnosed and treated with antidepressants and other drugs, when a hormone therapy should be the;first step.

This is exactly why you should evaluate the possibility of low testosterone before starting a treatment that might result in various;complications and side effects.

What Causes Low Testosterone In Women

Let me get this out of the way early:

Yes, most women WILL experience a decline in their testosterone levels.

Just like men go through andropause, women go through menopause + an equivalent to andropause.

If you didn’t already know:

Andropause = age-related decline in testosterone

Menopause = age-related decline in estrogen/progesterone

Somatopause = age-related decline in growth hormone

So, even if you lived a VERY healthy and relaxing life – your testosterone levels WILL eventually go down.

But there are other issues that can premature lowering of testosterone levels.

And these other issues help to explain why some women are experiencing lower than normal testosterone levels younger and younger.

What issues am I talking about?

Hormone imbalances.

Specifically insulin resistance.

You can see several studies showing that insulin resistance can cause BOTH elevated levels of testosterone and ;.

I’ve found that women who tend to have INCREASED levels of testosterone due to insulin resistance often fall on the PCOS spectrum.

And women who tend to present with LOW levels of testosterone with insulin resistance tend to present with weight loss resistance, decreased libido and mood changes.

But just realize that insulin resistance can cause either LOW or HIGH levels of testosterone depending on your body.

This is also very important when you consider that about 50% of the population has insulin resistance to some degree;.;

But don’t let this freak you out.


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Its Not Just Low T Its Estrogen Causing Weight Gain

Have you been gaining weight lately? As it turns out, it might be estrogen causing weight gain and not just diet and exercise patterns.

Keyword: estrogen causing weight gain

Despite a consistent workout routine and regimented diet, youre still gaining weight.

If this sounds familiar, dont rush out to test your testosterone levels just yet. The issue might actually be estrogen causing weight gain, not your diet and exercise routine.

Estrogen causing weight gain isnt just a problem for females. It can also be an issue for aging males.

However,;the role of estrogen and how it relates to other hormones is complex. This means that estrogen might not be your only problem.

But dont worry, these hormonal imbalances can often be corrected.

In this post, well review estrogen causing weight gain and associated disorders. Then, well tell you can do to correct these imbalances.

Prevalence And Clinical Significance Of Obesity

Does Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain?

Obesity, a worldwide epidemic, is on the rise. Populous developing Asian nations such as China and India have seen increases in the prevalence of overweight 25-29.9 kg m2) and obesity in adult men by more than 25% in the last 8 years according to WHO estimates . In developed countries including Australia, over 75% of the adult male population is already overweight or obese. The number of overweight people is expected to increase from 937 million in 2005 to 1.35 billion in 2030. Similarly the number of obese people is projected to increase from 396 million in 2005 to 573 million in 2030. By 2030, China alone is predicted to have more overweight men and women than the traditional market economies combined.

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Research Suggests That Testosterone Replacement May Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

One long-term study found that long-term testosterone replacement therapy was associated with sustained weight loss. In the study, men with low testosterone were given the option to receive testosterone replacement injections. Those in the TRT group on average lost 20% of their body weight. Those in the group who didnt receive testosterone gained approximately 4% of their body weight during the ten year follow-up. The results suggest that bringing testosterone levels into healthy ranges may help men with hypogonadism lose weight.;

Deficiency May Lead To Weight Gain

Testosterone promotes muscle growth. At the same time, it may suppress fat gain (

6 ).

Muscles burn far more calories than fat tissue. Lack of muscle thus puts people at a higher risk of eating too much and storing the excess calories as fat .

In fact, some researchers believe that reduced muscle mass is the primary reason deficiency leads to weight gain in men .

Obesity itself may also suppress testosterone levels, as explained in the next chapter.

Summary: Low testosterone levels reduce muscle mass and calorie expenditure. For this reason, deficiency may promote weight gain over time.

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Does Low Testosterone Indicate Poor Health

In recent years, researchers have noticed general links between low testosterone and other medical conditions. One study showed that in 2,100 men over age 45, the odds of having low testosterone were:

Experts don’t suggest that low testosterone causes these conditions. In fact, it might be the other way around. That is, men with medical problems or who are in poor general health might then develop low testosterone.

Research into the relationship between low testosterone and several other health conditions is ongoing.

Can Boosting Your Testosterone Help You Lose Fat

Does TRT Cause Weight Gain? Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cause Weight Gain?

Some men believe that testosterone may assist in fat loss.

This hormone is responsible for some of the typical male characteristics. It also promotes muscle growth in both genders.

Most men are full of testosterone. However, a few suffer from a deficiency, a problem that seems to predispose them to excessive fat gain.

This article discusses the potential role of this hormone in weight loss and obesity.

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How Obesity Can Reduce Testosterone Production

In men, testosterone is made by the testes whenever certain regions of the brain â the hypothalamus and pituitary glands â receive signals from your body that more testosterone is needed. These glands then send a chemical message to your testes â which respond by ramping up production of testosterone.

However, obesity can throw a wrench in this whole process â and the wrench, in this case, is estrogen. In short, there is evidence that estrogen can lower testosterone production by triggering signals to your hypothalamus and pituitary glands that tell your brain you donât need anymore testosterone.

And with drastically reduced testosterone levels, the motivation to hit the gym â and regularly get a good workout in â can diminish. Thus, in the words of one group of researchers, a âvicious circleâ comes into play: obesity reduces testosterone through the conversion of testosterone to estrogen â and by estrogenâs signaling effects on your brain â and subsequently, the lack of motivation and energy to exercise further fuels obesity. This cycle can then repeat itself, over and over again â seriously jeopardizing your health and metabolic balance.

How Progesterone Can Cause Weight Gain During Menopause

For many women, weight gain is a common symptom of perimenopause and menopause. Dramatic changes in hormone levels mean our bodies might react differently to the same diets and routines we’ve kept for years.

In some cases, weight gain during menopause can be linked to estrogen dominance. Wait aren’t we producing less estrogen? It might seem backward to think of estrogen dominance after menopause, but progesterone production that drops off faster than estrogen levels can again throw off that ratio.

Many factors impact our hormones and our weight during perimenopause and menopause, so it’s essential to work with a provider to identify the best course for your goals. If your progesterone levels are out of whack, your doctor may recommend a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy such as progesterone cream. If used correctly, supplementing your body with bio-identical progesterone can help combat the effects of estrogen dominance, including weight gain.

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What Is Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency occurs when the body is unable to make enough testosterone. It is sometimes called hypogonadism. Testosterone deficiency can significantly affect a man’s health and quality of life.

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in men. Its production is controlled by both the brain and the testicles . The body starts to produce testosterone during puberty. From the age of about 30 years, testosterone levels normally start to decrease.

Testosterone is essential for developing and maintaining male characteristics. Testosterone also has effects on sexual function. Low testosterone levels also increase a man’s risk of developing disease of the heart and blood vessels , and increases the risk of early death. A low testosterone level can also significantly reduce a man’s quality of life.

Testosterone And Muscle Mass

Does Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain

A lack of testosterone makes it difficult for men to build and maintain muscle mass. The amount of muscle you have plays a role in regulating your weight. Muscle requires more energy to maintain and therefore requires more calories. It helps keep the energy balance between how much you eat and how much you burn for fuel. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.

When your testosterone levels fall below normal, your muscle mass declines, causing your metabolism to slow down. This domino effect paves the way for weight gain and stubborn fat that doesnt seem to budge despite your best efforts at eating right and working out.

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Weight Gain And Difficulty In Losing Weight

Low testosterone in women results in;a loss of muscle tissue which can;be followed by a sudden increase in body fat.

In many women, this can be conceived as a natural process of getting older, though recent studies show that such a change can be affected by diminishing testosterone levels.

Alongside it comes with changes in the muscle tone and bone density, as well as difficulty in losing weight. This is due to;this hormone favoring the fat of your body, especially around your middle.

Not being able to control your weight can be frustrating, and even more frustrating when you exercise and being careful with your diet. It can lead to stressful situations.

Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain

There has long been an association between menopause and female weight gain, and now doctors also know that aging men with low testosterone levels are also likely to put on extra pounds especially around the midsection. Abdominal obesity in older males is becoming something of an epidemic. Changes in diet and exercise often do very little to shed those excess pounds. The answer may lie in correcting declining testosterone levels.

Can low testosterone cause weight gain in both men and women?

Yes, low levels of testosterone have been found to play a significant role in how the body is metabolizing food. What is even worse is that studies have already connected low testosterone and obesity into a cycle of reinforcement Low T increases weight gain and additional belly fat further lowers testosterone levels. Once a person become trapped in this cycle, it is hard to emerge without the proper help.

How can low testosterone levels cause weight gain in the first place?

Why can low levels of testosterone cause weight gain in people who were not heavy before their testosterone declined? In the early years of adulthood, the body still produces testosterone in the amount necessary to fuel all of the correlating functions. It is only in the early thirties for most men, and during menopause for women, that testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease. That is why weight gain is often associated with these changing times.

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Testosterone And Fat Storage

Fat cells, once thought of as dormant storage spots, are now known to act like other organs, secreting chemicals, sending signals, and influencing other parts of your body. For instance, fat cells produce an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen, and an imbalance in your testosterone and estrogen levels increases body fat.

It also influences where you store fat. Low testosterone increases stomach fat, and too much abdominal fat is not only aesthetically displeasing, it also raises your risk for heart disease.

When Testosterone Therapy Might Help

Series: TESTOSTERONE, A CAUSE OF WEIGHT GAIN AND OBESITY. Weight loss tips and tricks: Hormonal bal

Men who are no longer interested in conceiving may benefit from safe, monitored testosterone replacement therapy. Some patients with genetic issues that cause subfertility, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, may also benefit.

Natural options

  • Lose a few pounds: Approximately 30% of obese men have low-T. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, the more muscle you have, the less likely your body is to store excess calories as fat. However, some research suggests that low-T contributes to weight gain it’s a vicious cycle. Start by cutting belly fat, which is good for your heart health and general wellness.
  • Eat a healthy diet: For full-body health and hormone balance, consider the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on lean proteins, healthy fats, and plant-based foods. Also enjoy foods that are high in vitamin D, which supports testosterone production, strong bones, and mood. Some of these include eggs, salmon, and mushrooms.
  • Rethink online viewing habits: Pornography is readily available online and it can perpetuate skewed expectations for what masculinity and sexual virility should feel like. Your body was not designed to perform sexually for hours on end what you’re seeing on the screen is cinematography, not reality.

Medication options

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Treatment For Low Testosterone In Women

If you’ve been reading this post so far and you’re interested in learning more about supplementing with testosterone then read on…

I don’t recommend that women just take extra testosterone for the sake of it.;

Instead, they should be evaluated based on their symptoms and on lab results.

So it becomes really important to understand what “normal” testosterone levels are because most Doctors aren’t familiar with ordering and managing hormone levels.;

It’s also important to realize that when supplementing with Testosterone as a woman we are talking about doses MUCH smaller than what a male would get.;

How to check your Testosterone Levels

Like thyroid function, there is a difference between “normal” and “optimal” levels of testosterone.;

First off:

To accurately test testosterone levels you need to check for BOTH Total and Free testosterone levels in the serum.;

Below I’ve included some tests results from a patient of mine with sub-optimal testosterone levels:

You can see from this example her personal total testosterone was 23 with a reference range that spans 14 to 76.;

Her value of 23 technically put her in the “normal” range but certainly not the optimal range.;

Likewise, you can see her free testosterone at 0.27 with a reference range of 0.10 to 0.85 – again putting her in the low range of normal.;

This is a perfect example of a patient who might benefit dramatically from Testosterone replacement and supplementation.;

Testosterone and Autoimmune disease

Shedding Unwanted Pounds By Boosting Testosterone

Women looking to beat menopausal weight gain should consider making simple lifestyle and dietary changes to help restore hormone imbalance. Maintaining a regular exercise regime is the first step to converting that extra fat into muscle. Most experts recommend pairing a cardiovascular activity like running or walking with resistance training such as squats or weightlifting, which help to boost testosterone levels. Both types of exercises help to combat fat storage and increase muscle mass.

A well-balanced diet is also important to increase energy and maintain a healthy weight. Women who are suffering from testosterone deficiency should incorporate plenty of fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, fruits, and salads into their diet and avoid starches and sugars.

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Recovering Fertility After Testosterone Therapy

Regaining fertility is not guaranteed, but it is possible for some patients depending on their age and duration of testosterone use. The first step is to end any testosterone therapy and get baseline lab tests to know where your levels truly are. Often, we find that the patient’s LH production has been suppressed. In those cases, the next task is to increase it. Most patients start with Clomid. If that isn’t sufficient, we may consider hCG injections.

In rare cases when neither therapy works, we can consider increasing the FSH level as well with injections of the FSH substitute hMG. This drug is more expensive, and success is not guaranteed.

If you are concerned about low-T symptoms, or if you’ve tried therapies that didn’t work, talk with your primary care doctor or urologist. Feeling better starts with a conversation about your needs, goals, and lifestyle. Personalized care from a board-certified urologist or male fertility expert is the healthiest way to get there.

To visit with a men’s reproductive health specialist, call orrequest an appointment online.

Potential Side Effects Of Testosterone Treatments

Unhealthy Testosterone Levels In Women: Causes and ...

Sabanegh steers patients with sleep apnea away from testosterone therapies since it may worsen the condition. He also discourages men who are trying to conceive a child with their partners. “In some men,” says Sabanegh, “testosterone treatment will turn off the body’s own testicular function — both sperm production as well as testosterone production.”

Use of testosterone replacement may increase a man’s risk of blood clots. It also can accelerate age-related enlargement of the prostate, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, there is little evidence, according to Sabanegh, that testosterone treatments put men at higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

“We used to worry about prostate cancer, that testosterone treatment might accelerate its progress or onset, but that has not been borne out,” he says.

Still, your doctor will likely want to keep a close watch on your prostate and monitor it for any suspicious changes for as long as you are taking testosterone. Other potential adverse effects of treatment can include acne and breast tenderness.

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