Sunday, September 8, 2024

Medication For Hormonal Weight Gain

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Balance My Hormones: A Potential Weight Loss Key

Womens Hormones | Estrogen Dominance & Hormonal Weight Gain | Dr. J9 Live

How do I balance my hormones to lose weight? At Pellecome, we believe one key to weight loss can be found in supplements that help your body find a natural balance to aid in breaking down fat, increasing metabolism, and preventing dietary obesity. For more information about the selection of supplements that can help you balance your hormones and improve your health, please contact Pellecome in Randolph, NJ today!

Avoid Excess Consumption Especially Snacks Nuts Alcohol And Keto Treats

When metabolism slows during menopause, even consuming slightly more than you need can add to weight struggles. While a low-carb diet can help you keep consumption in check by reducing cravings and increasing satiety between meals, you can still go overboard on keto-approved foods.28

Paying attention to food and drinks that contain little nutrition and/or lots of calories is important for women in menopause. That means be careful with keto desserts, fat bombs, bulletproof coffee, MCT oil, alcohol, low-carb fruits, and nuts. If youre really struggling, try replacing full-fat dairy like cheese and Greek yogurt with lower fat versions.

Understanding hunger signals helps control excess consumption, too.

Also Check: How Do They Check Your Hormone Levels

Understanding The Benefits And Risks

Recent findings show that although not completely risk-free, HRT remains the most effective solution for helping with symptoms of menopause and is also effective for the prevention of osteoporosis. It may also provide protection against heart disease.

When deciding whether to have hormone replacement therapy , it is also important to understand the risks.

You may have heard about a link between breast cancer and HRT. Guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence say that HRT is effective and recommend that it should be offered to women with menopausal symptoms.

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How To Lose Weight Successfully

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are the two main components of achieving a healthy weight, but these arent the only factors affecting your ability to lose weight. Hormonal imbalance could be playing a role too.

Hormonal imbalance can make weight loss difficult, and carrying extra weight can increase your risk of hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, these factors work together to make weight loss even more difficult.

Its not easy to lose weight on your own, and our team at Medical Associates of North Texas provides the support you need to achieve success. If you have extra weight to lose, we offer comprehensive health evaluations to identify things that might hinder your progress.

We can help you identify potential hormonal imbalances, as well as other health conditions that may make weight loss more challenging for you. Then, we develop a customized weight loss program that may include regular doctors appointments, meetings with our dietician, and weight loss medication.

Achieving a healthy weight is possible. Plus, dropping those extra pounds can help regulate hormones, making it easier to maintain that weight loss over time.

Hormonal imbalance can create more challenges in your quest for better health, but lasting weight loss can still be a reality. Contact our team online or call our Fort Worth, Texas, office at 972-433-7178 for an appointment.

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All Drugs Have Side Effects But Some Can Come With Added Pounds

10 Best Vitamins For Menopause Weight Gain

Side effects are common with almost any medication. Whats less common are side effects that can complicate your recovery from the very condition youre looking to treat. Case in point: medications that can cause weight gain.

Often, we think of side effects that cause more symptoms dizziness, stomach problems, fatigue, says John Batsis, M.D., an associate professor in geriatric medicine and nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Weight gain, though, can creep up on you. And for patients who have other medical issues osteoarthritis or high blood pressure, for example the excess weight can potentially worsen those conditions, Batsis says.

Yet research suggests a growing number of people take drugs that cause weight gain most notably, for conditions that are exacerbated by excess weight, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Drawing on data from the 2017-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey , a recent study published in Obesity found that 1 in 5 U.S. adults take at least one medication that causes weight gain, the most common being some beta-blockers and diabetes drugs such as insulin and sulfonylureas.

Another drawback: Weight gain as a side effect can interfere with medication adherence, says Devika Umashanker, M.D., system medical director with Hartford HealthCares Medical and Surgical Weight Loss Program and an obesity medicine specialist.

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Signs And Symptoms Of A Hormonal Imbalance

Your hormones play an integral role in your overall health. As a result, theres a broad range of signs and symptoms that could signal a hormonal imbalance. Your signs or symptoms will depend on which hormones or glands are not working properly.

Common hormonal conditions affecting people of all genders could cause any of the following signs or symptoms:

  • purple or pink stretch marks

Keep in mind that these symptoms are nonspecific. Having one or a few of them doesnt necessarily mean that you have a hormonal imbalance.

Some of these symptoms may also reflect other chronic conditions. So, if you find yourself dealing with any notable changes in your body or energy levels, its a good idea to talk with your doctor.

What Are The Stages Of Hormonal Change For Men

For men, andropause is a slow decline of normal testosterone levels, which begin to lower by about 1% every year around the age of 40. Because the decrease in testosterone production is slow slow, many men do not exhibit any obvious symptoms of andropause for nearly a decade after onset. Andropause is traditionally marked by low T, which features symptoms such as low libido, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, and more.

How Common Is It for Men to Gain Weight During Andropause?

On average, middle-aged men gain about 19 pounds during the onset of andropause, which can be a significant cause of concern for overall health. Weight gain is one of the more common symptoms of andropause and most men will experience some about of weight gain during late adulthood.

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How Should This Medicine Be Used

Megestrol comes as a tablet, an oral suspension , and a concentrated oral suspension to take by mouth. The tablets and suspension are usually taken several times a day. The concentrated suspension is usually taken once a day. Take megestrol at around the same time every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take megestrol exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Shake the liquid well before each use to mix the medication evenly.

The concentrated suspension is used in different dosages than the regular suspension. Do not switch from one to the other without talking to your doctor.

Do not stop taking megestrol without talking to your doctor.

Tools Men Can Use Fighting Weight Gain When Using Adt

Hormonal Imbalance That Cause Weight Gain | PCOD, PCOS, THYROID, DIABETES

Valuable tools for men using ADT to help prevent withering muscle mass and increased weight gain, is to embrace healthy eating and exercise. Research published in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine, have found that men using a comprehensive exercise and diet program can make significant strides in beating back fat mass while improving muscle mass and strength.

Giving up cigars and cigarettes is similarly beneficial to adopting a healthy diet, since tobacco smokes toxic effects on the heart are more pronounced in the absence of testosterone.

It has been known for some time that exercise is good for prostate cancer patients and survivors. This study, however, looked at using a group approach towards exercise along with a focus on diet. Researchers with the study found that men working together with other men to fight weight gain when on ADT helped to create a strong social support as they shared their experiences and challenges.

Men who participated using both exercise and diet saw gains in mobility and muscle strength and reductions in fat mass. The exercise regimens were tailored to each mans ability and increased in intensity during the research. Workouts included weight-bearing exercise, such as leg extensions and bicep curls and aerobic exercise on a treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical trainer.

Another study found that taking daily walks and eating a low-carbohydrate diet can also lessen ADTs harms.

Recommended Reading: What Can I Eat To Balance My Hormones

Make Healthier Food Choices

Most doctors recommend eating a diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and lean meats and fish. This stands in stark contrast to the typical Western diet, which contains large amounts of simple sugars, animal fats, and foods fried in oil.

Hormonal imbalances may be linked to vitamin deficiencies, as well, so get some bloodwork done to see if you have any deficiencies. Common vitamin deficiencies are vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, and iron.

Remember: you arent eating to lose weight, you are eating for the purpose of eating healthy.

What Is Pellet Therapy

First things first, what is pellet therapy? This treatment is a form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that involves an injection of custom-compounded hormones.

Your doctor will determine the specific dose thats ideal for you. During a quick doctors visit, the pellets are injected into your upper buttocks. The system will begin to take effect and youll notice a change in your symptoms within 7 to 10 days.

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Hormonal Weight Gain Symptoms

Since hormonal weight gain is linked to many types of imbalances, it can cause different symptoms. The symptoms you have depend on the hormone involved and whether you have too much or too little of it.

In addition to trouble losing weight, common symptoms of hormonal weight gain include:

  • A thirst that isn’t satisfied despite drinking water
  • “Brain fog,” or an inability to think clearly

Go With The Flow Helps Female Hormonal Imbalance

Weight Gain Pack Oral  Dianabol/Androlic  8 Weeks

Think of this like a multivitamin for hormone balance.

Go With the Flow features a curated blend of adaptogenic herbs and plants that help balance hormones related to PMS, mood swings, menopause, and even PCOS. The formula includes:

  • Black cohosh root, a proven relief for vasomotor menopause symptoms such as hot flashes.
  • Dong Quai, a root that treats the symptoms of PMS, including mood swings and cramps.
  • Chasteberry, a plant that contains hormone-like compounds that help alleviate issues like PCOS, early menopause, and infertility.
  • Maca root, a powerful hormone balance herb used to treat depression and fatigue, as well as provide a natural boost for your libido.

Go With the Flow ingredients are 100% plant-based and non-GMO. Theyre highly bioavailable, which means that you can start bringing your hormones back into balance in just a few doses.

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What Is The Best Hormonal Imbalance Treatment

While synthetic hormone replacement therapy has long been used to treat hormonal imbalance symptoms, Dr. Christy prefers the more efficient and natural benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in the form of BioTEî pellets. Rather than using artificial hormone compounds, BHRT contains plant-based hormones that are structurally designed to mimic the bodys natural hormones. This allows for more efficient absorption and symptom control. Furthermore, the unique BioTE pellet delivery system offers a constant dose of hormones in order to avoid upswings and downswings in a patients symptoms.

What Is Hormonal Weight Gain

Weight gain associated with underlying hormonal imbalances. For men, hormonal weight gain can be caused by high stress or cortisol levels in the body. The heightened levels of cortisol may make the body go into survival mode and induce the production of fat cells which will cause a declining metabolism to store food for later use. For women, a specific estrogen hormone called estradiol decreases at menopause helps regulate metabolism and body weight. The lower the levels of estradiol may cause weight gain. Throughout a womans life, they may notice weight gain around their hips and thighs.

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How Are Hormones And Weight Gain Related

In order to understand how hormones relate to weight gain, you must first understand what a hormone is. A hormone is a broad term referring to a molecule that moves throughout the body and helps regulate body physiology. They bind to receptor proteins in the cells in order to change how that cell works. They can impact behavior, emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. Most importantly, though, hormones are responsible for the most basic of bodily functions like digestion, respiration, sleep, growth, and much more. In short, hormones keep us alive.

Researchers have found that many hormones have multiple functions and that not all of these functions are well understood. However, there are a few hormones that are clearly tied to weight gain . They are:

How Do You Fix Hormonal Imbalance

Does Hormone Therapy Cause Weight gain?

Many health conditions that involve hormonal imbalances, such as diabetes and thyroid disease, require medical treatment.

Many nutritional supplements in stores claim to treat different hormonal imbalances, but few of them have been scientifically proven to have a beneficial effect. Its important to always talk to your healthcare provider first about taking supplements.

Aside from medical treatment, your provider may recommend certain lifestyle changes to help manage a hormonal imbalance, such as managing your stress levels and getting routine exercise.

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How To Balance Ghrelin Levels

If you have a sneaking suspicion your ghrelin levels are in need of some TLC, here are a couple of ways to balance them:

  • Eat adequate amounts of protein. Protein helps you feel full and should be consumed with every meal. Studies show how eating protein promotes healthy ghrelin levels.
  • Avoid sugar as much as possible. As you can see by now, consuming too much sugar disrupts hormonal balance, making weight loss seem an impossible feat. Be sure to read labels. If an item contains high-fructose corn syrup, dont buy it. A 2013 study published in Nutritional Diabetes shows how high-fructose corn syrup is one of the primary culprits of imbalance when it comes to hormones and weight gain.

Tres Enfoques De Tratamiento Para Combatir El Sobrepeso

Las mujeres pueden considerar tres niveles de tratamiento para el aumento de peso: Cambios en el estilo de vida, Tratapias alternativas y Medicamentos y cirugÃa, desde las opciones más naturales y virtualmente libres de riesgo, hasta las más convencionales e invasivas, que deben considerarse siempre como último recurso.

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A Safe Way Of Treating Weight Gain

Implementing Lifestyle Changes:

  • Eating small, frequent meals with lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats
  • Combining regular cardio workouts with muscle-strengthening exercises
  • Getting enough sleep and reducing stress with meditation or deep breathing
  • Finding an accountability partner for encouragement

And Taking Herbal Supplements:

Con un aumento de 0,7 kg por año a lo largo del proceso de transición hacia la menopausia, es probable que las mujeres enfrenten diversos retos, tanto fÃsicos como psicológicos, desde problemas de imagen corporal hasta enfermedades cardÃacas.1 Afortunadamente, existen formas de contrarrestar el sobrepeso en la menopausia, disfrutar de buena salud y recuperar la confianza la imagen corporal durante esta etapa de la vida.

Siga leyendo para explorar las mejores opciones de tratamiento para el sobrepeso, desde las más naturales hasta las convencionales, e ingrese a esta nueva fase con un peso adecuado y un óptimo estado de salud.

Reduce Exposure To Exogenous Oestrogens

6 Medications That Cause Weight GainAnd How You Can Fight Back ...

Hormonal imbalances may also be affected by our exposure to exogenous oestrogens. Exogenous oestrogens are an environmental source of oestrogen that mimics the oestrogen within the body and can cause imbalances.

Examples of exogenous oestrogens include:

  • Female contraceptive pills
  • Hormone replacement therapy

There has also been a rising concern surrounding day to day exposure from sources within food, plastics, and other household products.

To counteract and help balance exposure to exogenous oestrogens, there are some foods that can help balance the bodys oestrogen.

Foods to help balance oestrogen include :

My blog on should women be worried about exogenous oestrogens explains more about where they are found and how to avoid them.

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Hormone Replacement May Fight Belly Fat Study Says

Hormone replacement may prevent belly fat in postmenopausal women

The effects last only as long as the woman is on hormones

If youre a woman of a certain age, you might have wondered: Where did this belly fat come from? Youre eating and exercising no differently than you did before menopause struck, but suddenly, your tummy has ballooned.

Welcome to life without estrogen.

Preclinical data has shown that either surgical menopause or declines in estrogen accelerates fat accumulation, primarily visceral or abdominal fat, said Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society. Changes over time in how women look such as noticing more abdominal fat, having increases in waist size, pants no longer fitting in the waist or increases in breast size all may be signs.

Unfortunately, that extra fat can be life-threatening.

A body fat percentage of 35% or more for postmenopausal women means a higher risk of obesity-related heart and diabetes risks, Pinkerton explained, including higher total and LDL cholesterol and insulin resistance.

To combat those health risks, women are encouraged to eat healthy, watch their weight and exercise. Now, there may be another weapon in the arsenal: menopausal hormone therapy.

Also Check: How Much Is Estradiol

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