Sunday, September 8, 2024

Safe Hormone Replacement Therapy After Hysterectomy

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While getting a hysterectomy can help solve many serious medical issues it can also come with a price. If you are feeling tired or depressed after a hysterectomy youre not alone.

Many women experience negative symptoms of low estrogen after getting a hysterectomy such as sexual discomfort or mood swings.

Luckily, you do not have to live with these negative symptoms.

In this article, we will explain the symptoms of low estrogen after a hysterectomy and what you can do to treat it.

Lets dive in.

What Is Known About Hormone Therapy And The Risk Of Heart Disease

Scientists continue to learn about the effects of HT on the heart and blood vessels. Many large clinical trials have attempted to answer questions about HT and heart disease. Some have shown positive effects in women who started HT within 10 years of menopause some have shown negative effects when started greater than 10 years of menopause. Some studies have raised more questions about the potential benefits of HT.

Based on the data, the American Heart Association issued a statement for use of HT. They say:

  • Hormone therapy for the sole purpose of preventing heart disease is not recommended.

For Women With Hysterectomies Estrogen May Be A Lifesaver After All

The widespread rejection of estrogen therapy after the 2002 Womens Health Initiative study has most likely led to almost 50,000 unnecessary deaths over the last 10 years among women aged 50 to 69 who have had a hysterectomy, Yale School of Medicine researchers reveal in a study published in the July 18 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

Led by Dr. Philip Sarrel, emeritus professor in the Departments of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, and Psychiatry, the researchers analyzed United States census data, hysterectomy rates, and estimates of decline in hormone use in women aged 50 to 59 between 2002 and 2011.

Before 2002, it was standard practice for doctors to recommend estrogen therapy for this slice of the population, and more than 90% of these women used it to treat symptoms such as hot flashes, and to prevent osteoporosis and other diseases related to menopausal hormone deficiency. Today, about 10% of these women use estrogen.

Sadly, the media, women, and health care providers did not appreciate the difference between the two kinds of hormone therapy, Sarrel said. As a result, the use of all forms of FDA-approved menopausal hormone therapy declined precipitously.

Other authors on the study are Dr. Valentine Y. Njike, Dr. Valentina Vinante, and Dr. David L. Katz. Sarrel is a consultant with Noven Therapeutics.


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Potential Benefits Of Estrogen Replacement Therapy

If a woman was not menopausal prior to her hysterectomy and/or oophorectomy, the surgery will throw her into instant menopause. That means she may experience any or all of the side effects associated with menopause, including:

Menopause can make a womans life miserable, and that misery is often worse when the changes come on suddenly as they often do after a hysterectomy, rather than through the natural menopausal process that may take place over years.

After a hysterectomy, estrogen levels drop all at once, dramatically disrupting the body. Estrogen replacement therapy can help alleviate these conditions and make a Connecticut woman feel more like her pre-hysterectomy self once more. In addition, estrogen replacement therapy may guard against bone loss, dental disease, Alzheimers disease, and weight gain.

Symptoms Of Hysterectomy And Menopause

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Symptoms of the climax after removal of the uterus can be noticed already after three weeks from the day of surgery. These can be:

  • increased night sweating
  • brown discharge after menopause and hysterectomy
  • depressive states.

When the uterus is removed, hormone replacement therapy is necessary, especially for women under 50 years of age. For this purpose, estrogens and gestagens are used. Hormone therapy is important to prescribe as soon as possible, no later than a couple of months after the procedure. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease and hysterectomy and weight gain menopause problems. But, it is important to remember that HRT may not always be prescribed. There are contraindications. Here, they are:

  • surgery was related to uterine cancer
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys

The duration of treatment is from two to five years. No need to wait for the complete disappearance of menopause after the therapy. Depending on the duration of hormone therapy, clinical manifestations are only reduced.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many women are reluctant to consider estrogen therapy after hysterectomy, often because they have heard it can cause heart disease or breast cancer. This is true of man-made estrogen replacement therapy, which is derived from pregnant mares urine and marketed as one-size-fits-all.

However, that is not the case with bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy. These hormones are derived from soy and wild yam sources and identical on the molecular level to the estrogen produced by a womans ovaries.

Not only does bioidentical hormone therapy not lead to cardiovascular disease or breast cancer, it may actually lower the risk factors for women. Each patients therapy is custom-tailored for her, with the hormones created on an individual basis in a state-of-the-art compounding pharmacy.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is available in pill, patch, gel and pelleted implant forms, so each woman and her doctor can decide which method is best for her needs. In addition, woman receiving bioidentical hormone replacement therapy usually also receives a diet and exercise plan designed for her, as natural hormone replacement therapy is part of a holistic approach to living a healthier, active life.

Causes For A Hysterectomy

There are several reasons a doctor may recommend getting a hysterectomy including:

  • Cancer of the uterus or ovaries
  • Uterine fibroids benign lumps on a uterus that causes bleeding and pain
  • Uterine prolapse when the uterus slides out of its usual position
  • Endometriosis when tissues grow outside of the uterus that is meant to be inside
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding bleeding that occurs between periods
  • Chronic pelvic pain pain in lower abdomen/pelvis that lasts at least 6 months
  • Adenomyosis uterus inner lining thickening and breaking through muscle walls

If you are experiencing any of these health problems contact a doctor to see if you should get a hysterectomy.

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Has A Woman Ever Had A Baby Without A Uterus

Jennifer was born without a uterus due to Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. The syndrome is one of various forms of infertility that impacts hundreds of thousands of women worldwide. With few options other than adoption or surrogacy, Jennifer and Drew joined a clinical trial at Penn Medicine.

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Key Points To Remember

Intimacy After Hysterectomy Anns Story
  • Until menopause, the ovaries make most of your body’s estrogen. When your ovaries are removed during a hysterectomy, your estrogen levels drop. Estrogen therapy replaces some or all of the estrogen that your ovaries would be making until menopause.
  • Without estrogen, you are at risk for weak bones later in life, which can lead to osteoporosis. ET lowers your risk by slowing bone thinning and increasing bone strength.
  • If you are in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, you may want to use ET to avoid early menopause after oophorectomy. But if you have already gone through menopause, you probably don’t need ET after your ovaries have been removed.
  • Early menopause can cause hot flashes and other symptoms. ET lowers the number of hot flashes you have, and it makes them less severe when you do have them. ET also helps with other early menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and sleep problems.
  • ET does have risks, including a slight risk of stroke and blood clots. But for most people in their 20s, 30s, or 40s who have had their ovaries removed, the benefits of ET are stronger than these risks.
  • Instead of ET, you might try other prescription medicines to help with early menopause symptoms and to prevent osteoporosis. And you may be able to prevent bone thinning if you take vitamin D supplements, eat foods that are rich in calcium, and do weight-bearing exercises.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy For Breast Cancer

Determining the type of treatment for breast cancer depends on what caused the cancerous cells to grow. Normally, cancerous cells develop in the lining of milk ducts within the breast or in the lobules where milk is usually produced . These cells can accumulate over time, forming an obvious lump or mass which is a common symptom of breast cancer.

There are also cancer cells which are highly responsive to the hormones that are circulating in the body. These cells have receptors that can receive signals from estrogen and progesterone to promote their abnormal growth and spread in the body. Among the types of hormone-receptor cancers are:

Learn More About Hormone Replacement Therapy At Revitalize You Md

Hysterectomies and menopause can cause drastic changes to the hormones in the body. These negative side effects can greatly impact the way of living and may even cause severe health problems for a postmenopausal woman. The best way to restore the lost estrogen and maintain the bodys normal functions while minimizing possible health risks from postmenopause is through hormone therapy.

At Revitalize You MD, we give hormone replacement treatments that are tailor-fit according to your needs. Our professional and skilled medical staff take careful measures before administering you with bioidentical hormone products. To ensure a safe procedure, we can formulate a custom dosage for your hormone therapy. Aside from hormone replacements, we also offer other medical and cosmetic procedures to help achieve total wellness living.

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Menopausal Symptoms After Hysterectomy

For the most part, the menopausal symptoms a woman will experience after hysterectomy will echo those of natural menopause, although they can be more severe. These include:

  • Sudden and more severe onset of menopausal symptoms: in particular hot flushes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness
  • Loss of bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis and fracture
  • Impaired sexual function due to reduced desire and discomfort from vaginal dryness
  • Reduced sex drive associated with loss of ovarian testosterone production
  • Loss of fertility
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Avoid Hrt After Hysterectomy Altogether With Uterine Fibroid Embolization

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UFE can prevent the need for a hysterectomy. During the treatment, a tiny catheter is threaded into the artery supplying blood to the fibroid. Tiny embolic particles are released into the artery to stop the flow of blood to the fibroids, so they can shrink and die over time.

UFE offers several benefits over having ahysterectomy with HRT. Here are some benefits you may want to consider:

  • The side effects of UFE are much lower than with HRT after a hysterectomy. Because UFE leaves the uterus and ovaries intact, a patient will not experience early menopause.
  • Long-term health risks are lower with UFE because it doesnt introduce hormones into your system or remove any organs.
  • Shorter overall recovery time because it is non-surgical.
  • UFE is an outpatient procedure with no need for anesthesia.
  • UFE doesnt require stitches or cause scarring.
  • UFE doesnt impact fertility negatively in fact, recent studies indicate it can improve the odds of having a baby if fibroids are preventing conception.

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How Long Should You Take Estrogen After A Hysterectomy

This is a question that should be discussed with your doctor. Typically, patients will take estrogen therapy for the rest of their lives. However, some women may only need to take it for a few years.

If you are considering a hysterectomy or oophorectomy, it is important to talk to your medical provider about hormone replacement before the procedure. Here at Hormones by Design, we specialize in BHRT.

We can help you with determining your estrogen levels and help you make a plan for the best method to replace all your needed hormones.

If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to call our new New Braunfels location at 627-7979. We would be happy to help!

Herbs And Supplements During Menopause

Many over-the-counter natural products are promoted in stores and online as helpful with menopausal symptoms. These include vitamins and soy-based and herbal products . There are also endless arrays of special blends of herbs and vitamins that claim to reduce the discomforts of menopause.

These products are considered dietary supplements . They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration to be sure that they work or even that they are safe. Some supplements have been tested in small clinical trials, but often the studies only looked at taking the substance for a short time , so it isnt clear how safe it would be if taken for a long time. Another concern has been applying the results of a study of a particular version and dose of a supplement to others that werent tested.

Most of the plain herbs that are touted for menopausal symptoms carry a low risk of harm for most women, but some can interact with other drugs and/or cause unexpected problems. You should discuss herbs or supplements with your doctor before taking them.

Well-controlled scientific studies are needed to help find out if these products work and if they are any safer than the hormone therapy drugs now in use.

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What Is Hrt And What Options For Hrt Exist

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a medication prescribed to treat the symptoms of menopause. HRT may include estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progesterone to help maintain womens hormone levels.

After a total hysterectomy, estrogen replacement therapy or ERT is often recommended due to the removal of the ovaries, which are responsible for making the hormone. ERT can help counteract the symptoms of surgical menopause when the body no longer produces it naturally.

A doctor may choose a combination of estrogen and progesterone for HRT. Progesterone can help minimize any negative impacts from too much estrogen in the body, including a higher risk for breast cancer. The combination is often prescribed when only the ovaries are removed to prevent the risk for uterine cancer. However, this is generally not a concern when a hysterectomy is performed for uterine fibroids because the uterus is removed.

Contact Your Physician For Help With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

What You Need to know About Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with Dr. Sharon Malone

Whether youre experiencing menopause after a hysterectomy where your ovaries have been kept or removed, you may need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Menopause and perimenopause can be very disruptive, especially following a major surgical procedure.

The best way to lessen the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause is through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. At Nava Health and Vitality Center, we perform evaluations to help people going through hormone changes. Our hormone therapies can help put your body back into balance. To find out more about hormone replacement therapy, weight loss help, diagnostic services and skin care and aesthetics, make an appointment online.

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What Is Surgical Menopause And How Does Hormone Therapy Help

Surgical menopause applies to the situation that develops when a woman has her ovaries removed in an oophorectomy. As soon as the ovaries leave the body, hormone production drops exponentially. Although other parts of the body continue to produce estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone in small amounts, it is not enough to make up the difference of what the ovaries provided. That is why hormone replacement therapy after hysterectomy is so important.

For many women, the signs of menopause, such as night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, brain fog, and depression can come on fast and furious. Doctors typically do not remove both ovaries without also taking the uterus due to endometrial cancer risk. However, uterine removal without taking the ovaries is possible. A woman who still has her ovaries will not enter surgical menopause.

When discussing hormone replacement therapy and hysterectomy, it is often recommended to use estrogen therapy for at least a short time after an oophorectomy. The immediate decline in hormone levels can lead to:

  • Vaginal dryness

Younger women under 45 who undergo an oophorectomy increase their risk of developing neurological and heart diseases, as well as cancer if they do not receive hormone replacement therapy. Surgical menopause after ovarian removal which causes an immediate decline in hormone levels.

Connecticut Estrogen Therapy After Hysterectomy

Even if a hysterectomy is performed for urgent medical reasons, it is often a bittersweet experience. Not only does it mark the end of fertility, but it will cause you to become menopausal if you have not already reached that stage of life.

Estrogen therapy after hysterectomy can help you adjust to life after a hysterectomy, but it is essential to decide on the proper type of . For most women after a hysterectomy, Connecticut estrogen therapy is the safest and most effective choice.

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What Is The Difference Between Synthetic And Bioidentical Hormones

Both bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones are created in a laboratory, but the primary distinction is the source of the raw material.

Synthetic hormones are produced using artificial chemicals, whereas bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources.

While there is no actual research to back up whether bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective, the long list of side effects from synthetic hormones may make you want to choose wisely between the two.

The side effects of synthetic hormones can be quite severe and range from mild to life-threatening. Some of the most common side effects are:

Of course, no matter what hormone replacement therapy a woman is taking, you should always consult your doctor before starting.

Some women cannot take any form of hormone replacement therapy, and the options need to be carefully considered.

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