Sunday, September 8, 2024

Should I Get Hormone Replacement Therapy

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What Are Hrt Pellets

Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Cause Breast Cancer? Estrogen Effects on Women!

HRT pellets are a blended mix of estrogen or testosterone and made from natural plant products. These plant materials have the same molecular structure as the hormones in our body. We can compound them into small pellets, which look like grains of rice. Once placed underneath the skin, the pellet will slowly release hormones directly into your bloodstream and provide balance.

Will I Always Have To Take Hormones

Yes, you will need to take hormones for the rest of your life if you want to maintain the feminising effects of oestrogen or the masculinising effects of testosterone.If, at any stage, you decide to have your testes or your ovaries removed by surgery: Your dose of hormones will usually be reduced but it should still be enough to produce the effects that you need and to keep you well, and to protect you against osteoporosis as you get older, and If you are still on hormone blockers, you will stop taking them altogether.

Who Shouldn’t Take Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is not usually recommended if you:

  • Have or had breast cancer or endometrial cancer.
  • Have abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Less common side effects of hormone therapy include:

  • Fluid retention.
  • Skin discoloration .
  • Increased breast density making mammogram interpretation more difficult.
  • Skin irritation under estrogen patch.

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Check If You Can Have Hrt

Most women can have HRT if they have symptoms related to the menopause.

But your GP may recommend alternatives to HRT if you:

It’s still possible to get pregnant while on HRT.

HRT may not be safe for you or your baby.

If you do not want to get pregnant, you should use contraception until 2 years after your last period if you’re under 50 or for 1 year after the age of 50.

How Does Hormone Therapy Work Against Prostate Cancer

Menopause: Should you take hormone replacement therapy ...

Early in their development, prostate cancers need androgens to grow. Hormone therapies, which are treatments that decrease androgen levels or block androgen action, can inhibit the growth of such prostate cancers, which are therefore called castration sensitive, androgen dependent, or androgen sensitive.

Most prostate cancers eventually stop responding to hormone therapy and become castration resistant. That is, they continue to grow even when androgen levels in the body are extremely low or undetectable. In the past, these tumors were also called hormone resistant, androgen independent, or hormone refractory however, these terms are rarely used now because the tumors are not truly independent of androgens for their growth. In fact, some newer hormone therapies have become available that can be used to treat tumors that have become castration resistant.

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Trans Men: Masculinising Medication

Testosterone is usually administered by way of intramuscular or subcutaneous injection every two to three weeks. One of the testosterone products delivered in this way is licensed in the UK for use in trans people. Other methods of administering testosterone are now available, so service users have more choice.

These methods include patches and gels , and Buccal:

Testosterone esters Testosterone enanthate Testosterone undecanoate Testosterone gels Testosterone patches Buccal testosterone .

Medication to lower oestrogen levels:

This medication is not always regarded as necessary because testosterone alone can be very effective for many trans men. Both Goserelin and Leuprorelin may be administered by subcutaneous depot injection. These products do not block the testosterone produced by the adrenal glands and they are believed to have few side effects.

Trans women voice feminization:

There are 7 important steps that are the foundation to creating your passable female voice. Please read our article on voice feminization which gives instruction and detail about the techniques and steps required to help you achieve your feminine voice.

Do not miss our popular article 10 Tips to Feel Like a Girl Prior and During Transgender Transition, this article has some great advice and tips for beating gender dysphoria whilst going through the seemingly endless process of transgender transition, its a good read.

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Myth #: Menopausal Symptoms Are A Rite Of Passage You Must Experience

Fact: You dont have to suffer through the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Although symptoms like hot flashes weight and night sweats were once thought of as a rite of passage, these symptoms can have a significant impact on your daily life. HRT is proven to be the most effective treatment for menopausal symptoms. You can go through menopause without major discomfort thanks to hormone replacement.

The decision to start HRT is one you make after learning all of the facts and discussing the benefits and risks with your doctor. To learn more and to schedule an appointment call our Tulsa, Oklahoma office, or book online.

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Menopause Symptoms And Hrt

Menopause symptoms that may be relieved by HRT include:

  • hot flushes and night sweats
  • vaginal dryness
  • hair loss or abnormal hair growth
  • dry and itchy eyes.

Other therapies, including vaginal oestrogen products, antidepressants or other medications, may be used depending on the symptoms and risk factors. Seek advice from your doctor.

How To Start Hormone Replacement Therapy

Why I Chose Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Women Under 40

This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 78,822 times.Learn more…

The decision to start male-to-female hormone replacement therapy can be an exciting choice. For many people, hormone treatment is the first step to transitioning physically into a female body. First, you will need to find a doctor who can prescribe you female hormones. You will take these hormones by patch, pill, or injection. As your body begins to change, you may need to manage side effects or reduce unwanted features. After a few years on hormones, you can begin to consider surgery.

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The Link Between Hormones And Blood Clots

If you take birth control, youve heard the warnings about blood clots. But what causes them to occur and do they occur often?

Dr. McCarthy explains.

Birth control and hormone therapy may increase the risk of blood clots, although the absolute risk in the general population remains low. The thought is that these hormones may affect some clotting factors produced by the liver, which in turn, can promote the development of blood clots.

In addition to being on hormones, can certain medical conditions increase the likelihood of getting blood clots?

When coupled with hormone therapy, Dr. McCarthy says that additional factors may also increase the risk of blood clots. They can include underlying clotting disorders, a history of blood clots, vessel problems , high blood pressure, age, obesity and if you smoke.

Do certain forms of birth control or hormone treatments put users at a greater risk for blood clots?

Hormone pills, injections, implants and intrauterine devices containing only progesterone have a lower risk of associated blood clots than forms which have an estrogen or estrogen-progesterone combination. Oral forms of estrogens tend to be associated with higher rates of blood clots than other forms of estrogen . Higher doses of estrogen, dosage changes with hormonal medicines or starting hormone therapy can also carry a higher risk, says Dr. McCarthy.

When Women Experience Issues

Many people believe that women only suffer from hormonal imbalances during menopause. This is not accurate. In fact, a woman can experience the negative effects of hormonal imbalance during a variety of times in her life. For instance, women may suffer from night sweats or hot flashes before their periods. A woman may also have vaginal dryness after she gives birth to a baby. Further, women who have gone through menopause may continue to deal with menopausal symptoms for many years after they have stopped menstruating.

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How Is Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause Different From Gender

While gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy for transgender women is in theory similar to hormone replacement therapy for menopause, there are large differences in the prescription protocol:

  • Age at prescription: Gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed at much younger ages.
  • The use of ther hormones: Hormones that block the production of “male” sex hormones may also be taken alongside estrogen therapy .

Whats Been Approved By The Us Food And Drug Administration

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Heartburn in Women

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves all estrogen therapy medications. Some hormones are sold as bio-identical hormones and are not FDA-approved. They are available without a prescription, and they are not held to the same safety standards as prescription medications. Despite marketing claims, these hormones are also not more natural than the FDA-approved treatments.

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What Is Known About Hormone Therapy And The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Taking combined hormone therapy can increase your risk of developing breast cancer. Here are some important findings:

  • Taking combination hormone therapy showed a rare increase of absolute risk of less than one additional case of breast cancer per 1000 person years of use.
  • There was a nonsignificant reduction in breast cancer seen in women with hysterectomies on estrogen only therapy.
  • If youve been diagnosed with breast cancer you should not take systemic hormone therapy.

When You Experience Premature Menopause

Premature menopause occurs when your ovaries fail before the age of 40. Sometimes this happens because of autoimmune diseases, hormonal disorders, or surgery. It can also be related to genetic factors. Because the impact of premature menopause on your physical health, emotions, and relationships can be significant, you may decide to start HRT and continue treatment until the usual age of menopause.

When you no longer produce enough estrogen, you also lose the protection that sex hormones provide against heart disease and osteoporosis, putting you at an increased risk. Replacing the missing hormones can not only help you feel better, but also reduce your risk so that you stay as healthy as other women your age.

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Myths And Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy Every Woman Should Know

If youve talked to friends, family, or conducted your own web search you may have ended up with conflicting information regarding hormone replacement. A mixture of information can make it challenging to separate fact from fiction. Read on to get the factual scoop on hormone replacement therapy and discuss it with your doctor. Our experts demolish common myths, so you have the facts to make an informed decision about your health.

Indications For Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy – What Iâm Currently Taking and Why? Explained!!!

Current guidelines advise that HRT should be considered for troublesome vasomotor symptoms in perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women without contra-indications and after individualised discussion of likely risks and benefits.

Starting HRT in women over the age of 60 years is generally not recommended.

For women with premature or early menopause, current guidelines recommend sex steroid replacement until the age of 51 years for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms and for bone and cardiovascular protection.

Current indications for the use of HRT are:

  • For the treatment of menopausal symptoms where the risk:benefit ratio is favourable, in fully informed women.
  • For women with early menopause until the age of natural menopause , even if they are asymptomatic.
  • For those women under 60 years who are at risk of an osteoporotic fracture in whom non-oestrogen treatments are unsuitable.

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Should You Take Hormonal Replacement Therapy

As always with all things health related, the final decision comes down to you.

Just because you hear hormone therapy works wonders for someone else, doesnt mean itll be the same for you. Likewise, even if someone else experiences severe side effects due to taking hormone replacement therapy, you could take it without noticing that effect at all.

It depends on the individual. We have to think about certain characteristics you have and whether you would benefit overall from taking hormone replacements.

As you can see from this quiz, there are quite a few women that hormone replacement therapy doesnt work so well for. The problem here is that other solutions are hard to find and there isnt much evidence to say how well they work. This article may help for women that arent a good fit to take hormone replacement therapy.

Do you have any questions about hormone replacement therapy? It can be a difficult idea to get your head around, so Id love to hear any questions or ideas you have in the comments section below!

What Are The Types Of Hormone Therapy

There are two main types of hormone therapy :

  • Estrogen Therapy: Estrogen is taken alone. Doctors most often prescribe a low dose of estrogen to be taken as a pill or patch every day. Estrogen may also be prescribed as a cream, vaginal ring, gel or spray. You should take the lowest dose of estrogen needed to relieve menopause symptoms and/or to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Estrogen Progesterone/Progestin Hormone Therapy : Also called combination therapy, this form of HT combines doses of estrogen and progesterone .

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What Is Hormone Pellet Therapy

Hormone pellet therapy is a wonderful way to address imbalanced hormones in a safe, comfortable manner. Hormone pellets are tiny pellets that contain biologically identical hormones. These hormones are chemically identical to the hormones that are naturally produced by peoples bodies. The pellets can contain a variety of different hormones, including testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone.

During your therapy, a medical provider will insert the hormone pellets underneath your skin. Over the next several months, the pellets will release hormones into your body. This process will rebalance your hormones and help you feel younger, healthier, and more vibrant.

Types Of Hormone Therapy For Men

Menopause: Should you take hormone replacement therapy ...

If your doctor suggests testosterone therapy, several options are available. These include:

  • Intramuscular testosterone injections: Your doctor will inject these into the muscles of your buttocks every two to three weeks.
  • Testosterone patches: You apply these each day to your back, arms, buttocks, or abdomen. Be sure to rotate the application sites.
  • Topical testosterone gel: You apply this each day to your shoulders, arms, or abdomen.

Side effects are a primary drawback of hormone therapy with testosterone. While some of the side effects are relatively minor, others are more serious.

Minor potential side effects of hormone therapy with testosterone include:

  • fluid retention

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Myth #: Hormone Replacement Causes Cancer

Fact: The idea that HRT causes cancer is perhaps the most common myth. This misconception is based on an older, flawed study. Although its true that receiving more hormones than your body requires can raise the risk of certain types of cancers, HRT itself doesnt cause cancer. Therapy with hormone replacement does not cause cancer in healthy adults with no history of hormone-sensitive cancer.

Other Options To Relieve Most Common Symptoms Of Menopause

When deciding whether to quit, think about why you started taking hormones. Maybe hot flashes drove you to it. Hot flashes can pass after a few years. If they don’t, they usually get less intense over time. The following may be enough to bring relief:

  • Gabapentin, an anti-seizure medicine
  • Dressing in layers, drinking cool drinks, avoiding spicy food and alcohol, and exercising daily

There are three options for vaginal dryness, pain, itching, and burning:

  • Low-dose, prescription vaginal estrogen works best. You apply it as a cream, tablet, or ring into the vagina. Only a tiny bit is absorbed into the bloodstream, so the chance of health problems is much lower than with estrogen pills.
  • Water- or silicone-based vaginal lubricants are put in the vagina or on the penis just before sex to reduce discomfort. You can buy them over the counter.
  • Vaginal moisturizers, also available over the counter, keep tissues moist. You apply them three times a week, but not before sex.

For mood swings and depression:

  • Antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , can help mood.
  • Daily exercise, plenty of sleep, and stress control techniques like yoga, deep breathing, or relaxation exercises can also help.

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What Physical Effects Will Hormone Treatment Have On Me

If you are a trans woman, cross-sex hormones will be helpful in making your appearance more feminine if you are a trans man they will make your appearance more masculine. However, whether you are a trans man or a trans woman, you will need to be realistic about the extent of the changes you can expect. Although hormones taken in adulthood can help to keep your bones healthy, they cannot alter your skeletal shape or your height.

Trans women

In trans women, oestrogen has subtle feminising effects: Fat may be distributed on the hips. The size of the penis and testicles may be slightly reduced. Some trans women find that erections and orgasm are harder to achieve. Muscle bulk and power may be reduced. Breasts may feel tender and lumpy and may sometimes increase modestly in size. The growth of facial and body hair may become weaker. This is regarded by many trans women as helpful in supporting the hair removal process using electrolysis and/or laser treatment and other hair removal techniques. Male pattern baldness may be slowed or stopped, but is not necessarily reversed.

It should be noted that for trans women there is no noticeable effects on voice feminization with hormone treatment for most trans women it is often recommended that you seek vocal coaching for a more passable feminine voice.

Trans men

You can stop taking hormones at any time.

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