Sunday, September 8, 2024

Which Doctor For Hormonal Imbalance

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Hormone Specialists In Mankato Mn

Can hormonal imbalance in women lead to headache? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Hormones are critical to your wellbeing. If you are experiencing symptoms that may suggest a hormone imbalance, speak with a hormone specialist to see if you should get tested.

The experts at Between the Bridges Healing Center offer hormone imbalance treatment to both men and women. We have an integrative, holistic approach to treating our patients that aims to optimize the mind, body, and spirit. Our goal is to help you treat your condition, not just the symptoms.

To make an appointment with our hormone specialists, call us at 388-7488. You may also request an appointment online. We look forward to helping you find relief.

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Hormonal Imbalance

Youve decided that something is going on with your hormones. Whether its a daily afternoon slump, debilitating cramps, weeks of PMS or any plethora of symptoms youve done enough research to suspect your hormones are to blame. But what next?

How do you go about diagnosing and then treating your problems? This can be a complicated and confusing subject, but it doesnt have to be! With a little guidance and direction, you will be on your way to happy hormones and better health.

The first stop for most of us is our primary doctor or OB/GYN. And my first recommendation is to make sure that this is someone you have seen before, that you feel you can talk to and trust. If you dont have any primary care, try to get a recommendation from a friend.

Unfortunately, hormone health is not something that most doctors receive extensive training in. Womens diseases and vague symptoms are also much more likely to be ignored. The implicit bias of the entire healthcare system against women is starting to be a big conversation.

Traditionally, medical research has focused on men, and female-specific conditions have been ignored and underfunded. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis and endometriosis were attributed to womens hysteria for decades until scientific, diagnostic proof was found. So keep this in mind and make sure the doctor you see is someone who will listen to you. It is your body after all!

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Low Estrogen In Men

In men, male menopause may result from too little estrogen in addition to lower testosterone levels, at least according to some recent studies. Diminished libido, strength and energy are the main symptoms. However, testosterone levels tend not to fall as sharply in aging men as estrogen does in women who are post-menopausal. Further research is needed to determine if changes that come with aging are due to hormonal declines and if so, which hormones are the culprit.

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Hormone Imbalance And Hormone Level Testing

Chapter 1: Hormone Imbalance Introduction Chapter 2: Causes and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance Chapter 3: Hormonal Imbalance and Men Chapter 4: Hormonal Imbalance and Women Chapter 5: More about Cortisol

Your entire endocrine system is composed of glands and hormones. It is one of two systems that help coordinate all the functions of your body.

This managerial role, of maintaining hormone levels over time and in various situations, is important for both your survival and well being. Hormone testing has shown that hormone levels decrease with age and that hormone replacement therapies may be helpful in maintaining youthful vigor.

The other critical system that regulates the functions of your body is the nervous system. Both the endocrine and nervous system work closely together to control a number of important functions:

  • Your bodys growth and development
  • Your metabolism
  • Your mood and sleeping patterns

What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

Female Hormone Imbalance Symptoms
  • How severe is my acne?
  • What lifestyle changes should I make to prevent hormonal acne from forming?
  • What are the side effects to my acne treatment?
  • Can I take this treatment if I become pregnant?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

It can be frustrating to see breakouts on your skin as an adult, considering they are most frequent among adolescents. Talk with your healthcare provider if your acne is persistent and they will be able to offer advanced treatment options to eliminate pesky pimples.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/10/2021.


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Treatment For A Hormonal Imbalance

There are many different treatment options for hormonal imbalances. The treatment you ultimately be given will depend on which hormone exactly is unbalance as well as the underlying cause of the imbalance. Sometimes, a life event might cause such a fluctuation in your hormones, such as menopause. In that case, your treatment would be short term one. However, if you have a genetic disorder that causes a lifelong hormonal imbalance, you will need to pursue a more prolonged course of medications.

Hormone therapy is a common treatment for hormonal imbalances. Women who are witnessing uncomfortable menopausal symptoms may choose estrogen therapy. Testosterone therapy is a common choice for men with low testosterone levels or adolescents facing delayed puberty. Taking thyroid hormones can help individuals with hypothyroidism. Such hormone replacement therapies may come in the form of pills, patches, or even injections. Your doctor will help you choose the appropriate dosage by checking your hormone levels test results. This is how he will determine the right amount of supplemented hormone you will need to recreate the balance.

Bioidentical hormones can be produced by pharmaceutical companies using different doses. Examples include bi-estrogen which is 50 to 80 percent estriol combined with estradiol, or tri-estrogen which is 10 percent estrone, 10 percent estradiol, and 80 percent estriol.

Understand Hormonal Changes Through Every Stage Of Life

In every stage of life, a woman faces the possibility of some sort of hormone imbalance. A gynecologist or obstetrician is an expert in the hormones that impact womens health issues specifically. As such, they understand the hormonal changes a woman goes through at every age and what hormone abnormalities look like. They also know how to treat hormone problems, so that patients can live life comfortably and achieve life goals, such as having children, without problems.

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Diagnosis And Treatment Options For A Hormonal Imbalance

Various tests are done to confirm hormonal imbalance and to check for complications arising out of them. The doctor may call for blood tests to check for thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol levels. A Pap smear will be used to check for unusual lumps, cysts, or tumors while an ultrasound will be used to get images of the uterus, ovaries, thyroid, and pituitary glands. A biopsy will be done if the tumor is suspected, while an MRI or X-ray will look for bone loss.

Treatment options are wide and varied. Estrogen therapy, vaginal estrogen, hormonal birth control, and anti-androgen medications aim to balance the sex hormones. Thyroid hormone therapy and drugs such as Levothyroxine are given to address thyroid issues, while drugs such as Metformin, Flibanserin, bremelanotide, and Eflornithine are given to address various consequences or complications arising out of hormonal imbalance. IVF techniques and drugs such as Clomiphene and letrozole are given to women with PCOS who are trying to conceive.

In addition to the above, friends and family may suggest native medicine or alternate treatments. However, these should be pursued with caution as there is no documentary evidence on their efficacy or side effects.

How Are Hormonal Imbalances Diagnosed

Hormone Health & Ayurveda | Cure Hormonal Imbalance & Disorders-Dr.Payal Khandelwal |Doctors’ Circle

Healthcare providers typically order blood tests to check hormone levels since your endocrine glands release hormones directly into your bloodstream.

Certain hormone levels vary drastically throughout the day, so providers may order other tests to measure your levels, such as a glucose tolerance test or insulin tolerance test.

Your provider will also ask you about your medical history and symptoms and perform a physical exam.

Also Check: What Are The Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormones

It Might Not Be Your Hormones

While its important to advocate for your health, try not to be swayed by broad, overarching claims that insist that everyone needs hormone testing or that every symptom youre experiencing is related to your hormones.

Just because youre experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance doesnt mean you have a hormonal imbalance. Nearly every symptom of a hormonal imbalance can have other causes, as well. Its important to not lump everything together under hormones, and to instead break down each symptom individually, Dr. Batur advises. We have to take a deep dive to make sure were not missing anything, whether its lifestyle factors or another medical condition.

My Hormone Levels Are Normal Now What

As you can see, hormonal imbalances are often the culprits for many of the symptoms that women at or over 40 claim make them feel different, but if your doctor has conducted blood tests and you do not have a hormone imbalance, we recommend taking a look at the following factors in your overall health:

What is preventive health? Learn more now and see how it can help you!

We understand how tempting and easy it can be for women to blame their hormones for not feeling like they did when they were in their 20s and early 30s. And, we also know that evaluating your overall health and making changes to your routine to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly, takes a great deal of time and effort. Thats why were here to help.

At Moreland OB-GYN, we specialize in womens health care and prioritizing the needs of our patients at all ages and stages in their life. We hope youll connect with us to answer your questions and we hope youll turn to our experts as a trusted source for information.

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S To Balance Hormones Naturally

Reviewed by

Hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health.

Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances typically include synthetic hormone replacement therapies, birth control pills, insulin injections, thyroid medications and more. Unfortunately, for the majority of people suffering from hormonal disorders, relying on these types of synthetic treatments often does three things:

  • It makes people dependent on taking prescription drugs for the rest of their lives in order to keep symptoms under control.
  • It simply masks the patients symptoms, but doesnt solve them, which means that the patient can continue to develop abnormalities in other areas of the body while the disorder progresses.
  • It potentially causes a higher risk for serious side effects, such as stroke, osteoporosis, anxiety, reproductive problems, cancer and more.
  • Is it possible to balance hormones naturally? The good news is: yes, in many cases it is. Below youll learn about some root causes of hormonal problems, as well as about treatment options to help you balance your hormones naturally.

    What Causes A Hormonal Imbalance In Women

    Gynaecologist Implores Women On Hormonal Imbalance, Management  City ...

    Several hormones can contribute to an imbalance. You may already be familiar with estrogen and progesterone and the role they play in controlling your reproductive system, but womens bodies also create testosterone, the male reproductive hormone.

    Many situations and medical conditions can cause these hormones to become imbalanced, such as:

    • Menopause or perimenopause
    • Cancer treatments

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    How Can I Prevent A Hormonal Imbalance

    While many hormonal imbalances arent preventable, there are certain things you can do to optimize your overall health, which could help keep your hormones balanced, including:

    • Maintaining a healthy weight.
    • Managing your chronic health conditions well .
    • Quitting smoking or using tobacco products, if you smoke.

    What Can You Learn From Hormone Testing

    In some cases, hormone testing can unveil a major imbalance indicative of, say, a thyroid condition or polycystic ovary syndrome . But even a slight hormonal shift away from the optimal range can have an impact on your well-being. “There are a lot of conditions that fall on the imbalance spectrum,” says Dr. Masutto. “Your cycle can be thrown off a little, or you could have PMS or premenstrual dysphoric disorder . can even put you into premature ovarian failure, which is something that can be really life-altering.”

    Once your doctor knows exactly which hormones are causing your distress, they’re able to offer a more targeted treatment. In the western medical tradition, drugs are often the answerbirth control pills, thyroid meds, or antidepressants, to name a few. And while there are certainly many cases in which pharmaceuticals are necessary, some doctors prefer to treat more moderate hormone imbalances through food and lifestyle modifications.

    “From a holistic medical perspective, I would recommend that a woman with hormone imbalances use botanical medicines, acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle and dietary therapy,” says Dr. Steelsmith. Dr. Masutto says Parsley Health takes a similar approach, adding that she’s not averse to prescribing medication in some cases. “Utilizing prescription or compounded hormone replacement can help alleviate symptoms and help you get your life back so you can work on the lifestyle changes that are needed,” she says.

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    What Does An Endocrinologist Do

    Endocrinologists specialize in treating disorders of the endocrine system, the network of hormone-producing glands in your body. Endocrinologists are qualified to diagnose and treat conditions like diabetes, thyroid diseases, infertility, growth issues, metabolic disorders, osteoporosis, some cancers, and disorders in the hormone-producing adrenal glands and pituitary glands.

    Disorders and diseases that originate elsewhere can also end up causing symptoms in your endocrine system. When problems in other systems or body parts impact your endocrine system, an endocrinologist will work in tandem with your primary care doctor or other specialists to come up with a treatment plan.

    Symptoms And Potential Complications

    Does pimples near menstrual cycle indicate hormonal imbalance? – Dr. Divya Sharma

    Imbalances in female hormones can have far-ranging effects on the body, producing a variety of physical, emotional and cognitive changes. These changes can cause symptoms that may include:

    • Menstrual cycle changes, including shorter or longer times between periods, and periods that are longer, shorter, heavier or lighter than normal.
    • Hot flashes and night sweats.
    • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances
    • Diminished sex drive
    • Unexplained weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, hips and thighs
    • Skin changes, such as thinning, dryness and wrinkling
    • Dry, brittle hair

    Female hormone imbalance can increase a woman’s risk of a number of diseases and health problems. Among the most serious of these is heart disease, with risk increasing as estrogen levels decrease. Women with hormonal imbalances are also at greater risk for osteoporosis, since low levels of estrogens can interfere with the absorption of calcium and other nutrients essential to the maintenance of bone health and density.

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    Why The Conventional Approach Is Ill

    Just as every woman is unique, so is her hormonal balance. Understanding and effectively treating hormonal imbalances requires a whole-body approach, rather than looking at your health as a set of independent issues. This is especially true with hormones, which are all interrelated. As a result, an imbalance in one can lead to a series of other problems, including weight gain, irritability, lack of libido and more serious health issues.

    The holistic approach we have advocated for so many years is very different from what you’ll see in today’s medical system, which at times can seem hopelessly out of touch with the care that real women need. Here are just a few examples:

    Five Reasons To See An Endocrinologist

    Although many people cant define exactly what an endocrinologist is or does, that professional may be the perfect doctor to treat the many symptoms and problems caused by hormonal imbalances.

    Endocrinologists specialize in glands and the hormones they produce which affect important processes that control metabolism, blood pressure, cholesterol, hunger, thirst, body temperature and more. Hormone imbalances can impact your daily life, but an endocrinologist can help you manage the imbalances to improve your quality of life.

    An endocrinologist can treat you for a variety of conditions, including the following:

  • Diabetes: An endocrinologist can help you find the right education and care program to manage your diabetes, including medications and management of blood sugar. This can help prevent bigger complications such as heart disease, stroke and renal failure.
  • Thyroid disorder: The secretion of too much or too little hormone can cause osteoporosis, kidney stones, chronic fatigue and difficulty with memory and concentration along with symptoms including bone and joint pain, bone fractures, weight gain, muscle aches, dry skin and depression. Treatment may be as easy as taking a pill.
  • Hirsutism or excessive hair growth: Often visible on the face, chest and back, excessive hair growth in women is typically caused by hormones, like excess male hormones or low estrogen levels. An endocrinologist can successfully treat this condition with medication.
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    Fertility Problems Caused By Hormone Imbalances

    Another common time women ask for a hormone checkup is when trying to conceive. Typically, 84% of women get pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. When conception doesnt happen, one reason could be a hormonal imbalance. To learn more, read our extensive article about fertility challenges here.

    Again, its important to track your menstrual cycle, including the dates you have unprotected sex, to give your doctor a picture of what your reproductive cycle is doing. Keep in mind that your partner should also be tested for structural or hormonal issues if you have been trying to conceive for some time.

    If youre having your period too often , then your uterus cant sustain a fertilized egg. If your periods are too far apart , your ovaries may not be releasing eggs often enough into your fallopian tubes.

    Why Visit A Womens Health Doctor For Hormonal Problems

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    Hormones are pivotal to many bodily functions and your overall well-being. Certain symptoms can signify you have a hormonal problem, particularly if you have womens health problems. For instance, you may notice a change in your weight without making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, feel fatigued or irritable, have a low sex drive, or experience difficulty conceiving a baby. All of these issues can stem from hormonal problems.

    If you are experiencing womens health symptoms, here is why you should see a gynecologist or obstetrician for hormone testing.

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